I cant win with this now Im still waiting and all they say is I turned in all needed verification and Im just waiting for adjudication team to sign off. So just go and reapply in 5 more months bro. Ive apparently went through identity theft and have had to upload my DL and SSN which Ive done and completed. Getting assistance from churches, friends and family is no way to keep living. I have no one to talk to. This same thing is happening to me. Had money taken out of my check every week for unemployment! Ughhhh. ALL THE GLORIFIED LIES THAT MDOL HAS THEIR ACT TOGETHER IS JUST THAT. Now many claimants miss the very last step of the ID verification process and aren't aware that they miss a step because there's kind of a misleading message that pops up. My account has locked up 3 more times, the most recent being 2 days agowhere I AGAIN had to resubmit Id AND SSN WHICH THEY SHOULD HAVE 14 COPIES OF BY NOW! Times are hard and I.m a U.S Citizen that Vote. Im literally about to loose my mind, Saving are gone and summer its here with 3 children its hard to keep food on the table and a roof on our head. The commissioner is a joke! Im having the same problem but I got verified Tuesday how long did it take you to get your benefits back that stop mine 2 weeks so far. YES MY DEAR PEOPLE THIS IS THE GOLDEN YEARS AHEAD OF ITS TIME. In some cases, you may also find that the claim hold-o could fix itself if due to a temporary technical glitch being resolved or states finally clearing their massive backlog of pending claims that they need to manually verify. You can file a claim for unemployment insurance online by making a MyUI account. It seemed like Covid hit and everyone got to sit on their asses and find out what they really liked to do in their lives, while I delivering food, than I worked for DCFS and on my orientation papers I put I had a delivery of controlled substance charge in 2012 for giving a would be friend a couple of my hydrocodones. From the first call to the last call its always the same conversation! The Trust Fund is funded entirely with taxes paid by employers. See the sections below for the main reasons why and where applicable I have tried to offer some possible solutions and related articles with more information. You will have the right to appeal this determination and overpayment and be reconsidered for an overpayment waiver. I been put on Hold for 4 weeks on MD and They said i had a job. If this happens and none of other reasons discussed in this article apply it is likely due to you not showing or submitting evidence of your work searches. And none of us can get through to any one to figure out why. Ive never received a child support payment in 8 years and the mother has been able to claim one of my boys every year on her taxes!!! The content of this site is for informational purposes only. Save as much money as you can because no one is going to help you when you need it. Ive busted my ass for 35 years. If you miss your phone interview, we will make a decision based on the available facts, which could result in your unemployment payments being delayed (if you have not yet received any benefits on your claim) or denied. Finally spoke to a UC specialist who received the same error message I did while trying to finalize my PEUC application. My experience, excellent outcomes, and compassionate, insightful patient care seems to be of no value.. Ive been waiting 42 weeks now because I misnamed a question they got it cleared a month ago and I woke up to a fraud issue now. You must report the number of days you were too sick or injured to work this week. To see if you are eligible, apply at unemploymenthelp.ohio.gov or call (877) 644-6562. And still NOTHING! With many folks getting unemployment for over 12 months, they would have passed their benefit year end mark and would normally need to file a new claim to keeping getting paid. I have contacted the DOL deputy secretary, secretary, and the governor. A couple representatives said everything looked good and they would add a note saying all was good on their end so no need to acquire any further information. ( Cleared that up) then it was flagged for possible fraud. Families need help and nothing is being done at all. So yea Id gladly reach out to a state representative!! Calls are not answered, emails not responded to. Gonna be evicted soon & Ive been begging our Govenor Michelle Lujan Grisham for help with this disgusting mishap, & its election time! This whole system sucks!!! If you received a confirmation number, rest assured your claim is in process, and you will receive the full amount to which you are entitled. But an important email to the NJDOL? Iam have the same problem here in Virginia,waiting a year for benefits whom can i write in the state, someone who willingly look into their cases.and get results, we the people of this United States should not suffer this way and pay taxes with employment, to keep electives in office, appoint a special committee to help lawsuit of vec and help the American people.. Since the beginning of the year, the EDD has asked hundreds of thousands of people to verify or re-verify their identities. OUR BLESSED STINKING GOVERNMENT CUT MY SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FROM 1800 A MONTH (@ RETIREMENT AGE) TO 700 A MONTH, BC I WAS FORCED TO TAKE IT EARLY . You will receive aNotification of Unemployment Insurance Benefits Eligibility Interview(DE 4800) with the date and time of the interview. WORKED MY ASS OFF ALL MY LIFE, RAISED 3 CHILDREN & NOW WHAT? So I got a letter stating I have money left from the CCA (Continued Cares Act) its been over a week and still havent gotten paid. Today I received an email stating But THEY dont seem to understand, THE BILLS I PAY FOR LIFES Necessities will not be patient and will not wait! For what?? Everything is on hold. I cant believe its such as mess! I been unemployed since this covid crap started(April 20th). The best advice at this point, if your claim is eligible, is to stay persistent and patient. If you dont meet job search requirements, which you normally need to validate when you certify for continuing benefits, your claim could be suspended until you provide the required information. Hi Abby. So they dont have to pay anything. The EDD is still populating those certifications. Ive called, Ive emailed, nothing seems to work. The lady said 2 weeks ago theyre backed up. Which I feel, should be FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Have worked in the Medical field for Assisted Living for over 7 1/2 years, loved every minute of it! https://savingtoinvest.com/pennsylvania-pa-department-of-labor-and-industry-additional-600-fpuc-and-pua-benefits/?swcfpc=1, $23 Minimum Food Stamp SNAP Benefit For Many Seniors, IRS Tax Refund Calendar 2023 and Direct Deposit Dates. Spoke to NJDOL APRIL 22nd and was told that Id receive an email or phone call on April 26th. Best of luck to you. Because the reintroduction of work search requirements is being done differently on a state-by-state basis, many claimants are seeing their benefit payment suddenly stop and/or face challenges in certifying. There is a new portal for my state (Alabama) to upload your drivers license, SS card, etc for identity verification. SURE PELOSI U WANT TO DEFUND THE POLICE, YET PAY 6 FIGURES PLUS A YEAR FOR SECURITY. Huh nothing like hurting tax paying Americans so that we can fight other countries wars only to take from us to give to non citizen foreigners, Exactly, you are an American hopefully, judging by your entitlement with an attitude like that Im sure yours is right around the corner. You should have gotten payments directly after you got your monetary determination in the mail. Shame on you, Ohio. my claim is on hold because of a underpayment from 2013?!?! They finally helped start them in July, but never bothered to pay the earlier benefits. Once your benefit year ends, you are required to apply for a new claim if you are currently on: People on PUA do not need to apply for a new claim. Had a prior overpayment and your benefits were applied to the overpayment. I understand devastation and disappointment more than I though possible. A recent example was in California where many claimants ignored messages or stop payment alerts from the the EDD, which caused their claim to go on-hold and miss several weeks of payments. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Saving to Invest. And its not only me! Tried calling about 50 times but each call cut out due to high call volume. We still need to determine your eligibility on the pending issue, which will lead to one of these results: During the review, you may not receive payment if you: While we determine your eligibility, continue tocertify for benefitsif you continue to be unemployed or are working reduced hours. Six months and nothing. The problem should get resolved within a week, and all the money due you will then be paid to you retroactive to the day you first filed for unemployment. Id love to know what to do. However we had to open up a claim then did ID.ME received the paperwork given us the Green light to start claiming benefits!! Please call (877) OHIO-JOB (1-877-644-6562) or TTY at (888) 642-8203. If the DOL is so backed up? Most state unemployment agencies and ID.me have said the bulk of issues have been worked through and only a handful of complex cases remain to be resolved. They wont let me touch it until its reviewed! 36 weeks processing. Whats the deal? Whoopee do. This caused several weeks of delays for many claimants and per the above point if they ignored or missed the official requests for taking required validation actions they saw their claim get stuck. The problem arises when people reach the end of their benefit year, but do not know about it. You will receive conditional payment and later be found ineligible for those benefits. Whats next welfare till he gets hired? 6. . Im in Ohio , its been 10 weeks I havent been paid PUA, their good about flagging you but when it comes to fixing any issues after providing them the information they requested its taking forever! The representative calling will know the claimants EDD Customer Account Number.. The interviewer will give you instructions on how to submit any required information. #bestwishes. Users who dont have the proper equipment should call CDLEs customer service line at 303-536-5615. Ive been in escalation since April 29th 2021. They might be answering the certification questions in a way that is related to the pandemic but the system isn't programmed for it necessarily.. this form, respond to the questions immediately. I am going on 9 weeks pay held in Ohio. HAD TO FILE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY 57 YEARS EARLY. I thought, great! I worked hard, was making good money, and now Im losing it allIs there no recourse we can take? See the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services' (ODJFS) unemployment tool to estimate the amount of money you could get based on your old wages. Same here, unable to reach an agent. Every .gov email apparently isnt working anymore. If you dont respond as requested, we will make a decision based on the information available to us. This is so unfair and no one cares. In some situations, you can work part time and still be paid benefits. I relate to so may things youve all have said. I filed my application on 04/06 and case its still pending. If you are stuck on 'pending' with the EDD and can't get your unemployment benefits in California, YouTuber Ginny Silver shares some advice. Finally, if you cannot solve the issue around your claim getting stuck on your own or via a live agent then consider contacting your local state representative to try and get them to help with your case. Have been certifying each week and the only thing on my status page says Claim is still being processed. The EDD said it has started calling claimants directly to help resolve the question and in some cases avoid the determination interview. It makes me mad that those on public assistance get everything handed to them and dont have to do a thing, but because I lost my job and some idiot decided to try to file a claim in MY name, Im being punished! The team at Maine Equal Justice notes that while a claim for regular unemployment benefits could be denied, claimants may still be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance if their unemployment is directly related to COVID-19. GET THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS: Get unemployment benefits news updates in your email with the Daily Blend newsletter. My local DOL informed me they cannot help me with my benefits, they only call me to confirm that I am actively looking for work to ensure I receive my benefits. Ive been working for 28 years straight and never looked for unemployment. The website keeps telling me my weekly claim has already been filed when it hasnt. But for some claimants, their ID verification was sent from ID.me and was just sitting with the EDD dormant. I seriously have no clue how to receive what Im supposedly still owed for the months of November and December of 2021. KEEP SUPPORTING OTHER COUNTRIES AND GIVING THEM MONEY OUT OF OUR POCKETS, WHILE YOU LITERALLY STARVE US AND CHEAT US OUT OF EVERYTHING WE HAVE WORKED FOR OUR WHOLE LIVES. GO TO HELL GOVERNMENT. If you have aPendingstatus for any weeks on your UI OnlineSMClaim History, we may need to determine your eligibility or verify your identify. 5 How long does an employer have to contest an unemployment claim? And for the majority of those reasons the EDD does not reach out to claimants directly, Silver said. ENSURING THEY KEEP THEIR JOBS ALLOWING THE BACKLOG TO STAY OFF THE CHARTS. You need to ask for a specialist when you phone, or schedule a callback from a specialist. when I call to get answers as to why I have not received payments for the last 2 weeks, Im told my unemployment is being reviewed or processed but yet still no payment..have I done something wrong as I had to change my portal in between getting the notice and not being paid! This has had two adverse effects when it came to unemployment claims. The DOL from another state responded to an email that wasnt meant for them and had no reason to answer it AT ALL! This Sunday will be my 15th week of certification and it still says pending issues. Karma sucks. Once the agency accepts and reviews the documentation, they will follow up for more information or restart the claim, including any retroactive payments. TODAY April 30th? PENDINGGGGGGG (PENNSYVANIA). I hope and pray that each and everyone of you get your money and get back on your feet. after they gave me benefits for 9months then without any warning nothing for 5 weeks now and my ebt just stopped the same week.. no warning just starving. Im not letting up on this claim I have a legitimate claim & they owe me! Like many others I have been stuck since the Fraud knowing questionnaire showed up on April 14th 2021, right away I uploaded documentation they asked for and then waited a couple weeks for the determination. I am beyond frustrated and havent the slightest clue what to do. The NJDOL is currently ruining my life, if they havent done so already! No one should have to wait this long for help. If you live in Ohio and have lost your job, you may be able to get cash assistance through Ohio's unemployment program. This form will only be mailed to you if you: If you do not respond to the questionnaire a decision will be made based on available facts, which could result in your unemployment payments being delayed (if you have not yet received any benefits on your claim) or denied. You were diagnosed with COVID-19 and able to work. Have you tried to contact your local state representative? The system aint st!!!!!! We will mail you aNotice of Potential Overpayment(DE 1447), aNotice of Overpayment(DE 1444), or both. I.ve been calling unemployment everyday and spoken to plenty of Representative and Supervisors and they keep telling me the same thing that they sent confirmation to Keybank or to their ( unemployment ) Banking Unit. Only to continue to claim weeks that I havent received. This is not the way I thought my life would end! These supplemental payments were available to recipients of regular unemployment benefits, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, Trade benefits, SharedWork Ohio benefits or extended unemployment benefits. I have called DOL but cannot get through. in the PUA program) but have not carefully read the eligibility criteria and when they apply or asked to reapply for an extension their claim gets denied. If your reason for "stuck in pending" is related to the way you answered the certification questions, you will need an eligibility interview with the EDD to clear the stop payment. But they did, and they apologized for the situation NEW JERSEY put me in. Also your state UI should have a formal appeals process. Check UI Online for your current payment status. Respond to Your Request for Identity Verification, eligibility requirements for unemployment, Understanding the Certification Questions. For the 3rd TIME! Especially with huge rise in prices everywhere! The fastest way to certify is throughUI Online. Also, assuming you still havent gotten your money, when you do get your money its gonna be a pretty big bag so dont give up. You will not receive benefits for those days. "We know many claimants who cleared fraud filters and verified identity have been waiting too long for payment," said EDD Director Rita Saenz. God bless!! Why isnt anything being done about claimants still stuck on pending, Patrick asked the ABC10 team. Wrong! My PUA account has been pending adjudication since 7/15/20, i have talked many times on the phone with them being "clueless" and as "starstruck" as me that my account is still pending and not getting payments. LOST ME HOME OF 53 YEARS & MY CAR. The state had 135 pending claims from April, the month when my job was eliminated during broad newsroom cuts at The Plain Dealer. Be prepared to answer those questions. Im excuse me, they better freaking call me back or I am going to talk to them in person at the unemployment office. Now I will begin to receive my payments on a regular basis. Virginia. I am in need of assistance because I keep trying to keep my head up and keep feeling like Im just losing out even looking and trying to work. Your benefits are reduced for each day you cannot work because of an illness or injury. I tried to file with our Human Rights Division for my Civil Rights be so violated as our Unemployment division has been closed for a year due to supposed remodel? I received my weekly benefit amount but I didnt get my extra 300 how do I know if I will get it I still have eligible claims and a6000 dollars balance will I receive my extra 300 and how can I find out. Car already repossessed, we dont get snap or foodstamps, so very I go hungry most of the time to make sure kids eatnormal circumstances, CPS would take your kids for lack of food in the house. If you received at least one payment on your claim, but your payments have been pending for more than two weeks because of an eligibility issue, we will process a conditional payment as we continue reviewing the issue. Never had to get unemployment! I know the pain this has caused all of you. Im going to try and do the drop box here in Columbus Ohio. 4. Pending what!!? I done the IDME Video Call and sent in all documents that was requested of me. Plus, I only got 9 weeks of regular UI when in Alabama its supposed to be 14-20. To combat identity related fraud a number of state unemployment departments, including those in Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, California and New York have turned to third party vendor ID.me and their proprietary A.I. If they do reach out directly, it takes them quite some time for them to reach out.. Every time I call a rep its the same BS answer, we are waiting for them to make a decision. An overpayment is when you receive benefits you are not eligible for. This will go a long way towards fixing your problem. Plus these laws were meant to help rescue and secure our economy boosted they give us statistics say the economy is back to normal!!!! All states, including those who announced an early end to one of more of the pandemic unemployment programs, are no longer paying benefit weeks after September 6th. I would write a long letter explaining your situation as kindly as you can . Ive lost my apartment, car, life savings, and my daughters college money that I started saving at age 25!! I did receive ONE reply. ABC10 have put together a guide to help you better understand what you need to do at the end of your benefit year, click here to find it. Good luck bro ! You were unable to work because of an illness or injury that was not related to COVID-19. Over 16 weeks without government approved assistance!! If you received a confirmation number . Pay attention to the hold . It shouldn't take 3 weeks to approve a permanent layoff when all of the paperwork has been provided. Im still waiting.. Did yours go through yet? Help!! Silver said the alert is basically something that triggers the system that says 'hey, this claim might not be entitled to benefits' and it puts a hold on their payments.. Ive also been waiting My position was terminated after healing most of the wounds in the building. START WITH SHUMER AND PELOSI LYING BACKSTABBING FAKE ASS 6 FIGURE SALARIES THAT SHOWS THEY DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANYTHING BUT BEING POWER HUNGRY VULGER HOOD RATS. EDD acknowledges the confusion, specifically with questions 1 and 2. You can also click on the blue question mark next to each certification question in your UI Online account for more details. I cant even claim my weeks. People who forget to action official unemployment agency requests or alerts, Waiting on identity verification approvals, End of Pandemic Unemployment Benefits and $300 payment. If your claim shows as "allowed" but your weeks are showing as "denied," you will need staff assistance. Even the one I sent last week telling him Ill be homeless after TODAY! I am having issues being accepted now? On a call with the EDD, they confirmed that in most cases, a pending notice means that the department needs to do something on their end to get you paid. Her & Senator Ben Lujan have ignored all my pleas for help on this horrific issue hurting 100s of suffering New Mexicans daily. And now that I need help, everyone has an excuse! Im going through a similar situation. This is just insane that I have been waiting since July 2022 to get even one payment. Plus, track storms with live radar. Silver said the top reasons she hears for people to be stuck pending include: Her best advice for people stuck in pending is to call customer service and get help from an EDD representative. Im not letting up on my claim its very legitimate and their responsibility to get things DONE right!! I have 9 weeks of pay held. Still no money to pay bills. Most of these people are uneducated morons who dont know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. It's also possible your claim is still pending because you qualify for a program that hasn't rolled out in your state yet. Example video title will go here for this video. Also, this is a just in case, include a copy of your drivers license. I even emailed the state rep and she pretty much told to go out and job its not that easy when you cant even think straight. & after the Plandemic that took so manys peoples careers away from them! I have already done this with no results to speak of. The more the better. facial recognition software to verify claimant identities ahead of receiving unemployment benefits. Same. It's a big problem because there's a variety of different reasons why someone could be stuck in pending. Top Reasons Your Unemployment Claim is Stuck, On Hold, Suspended or Still Pending (Even After End of PUA, PEUC and $300 FPUC Programs) | $aving to Invest Top Reasons Your Unemployment Claim is Stuck, On Hold, Suspended or Still Pending (Even After End of PUA, PEUC and $300 FPUC Programs) See 93 comments Updated: Sep 27, 2021 I also have sent a message to Unemployment Commissioner Roberta Reader and asked her for her assistance in helping me with this matter but I havent as of yet heard back from her. If we confirm your eligibility, we will send you anAdditional Instructions(DE 238) which will inform you what weeks were found to be eligible for benefits. You do not need to do anything additional for the weeks that were paid. If you received a confirmation number, rest assured your claim is in process, and you will receive the full amount to which you are entitled. It immediately sends me to the fraud department where I have had ZERO% SUCCESS OF TALKING TO A SINGLE PERSON IN OVER 500 CALLS! Hello Dave , its been 10 weeks for me! Yes! I got the letter 1 day prior. Why is my NYS unemployment still pending 2021? or just need enough people broke and frustrated on the streets to keep the flow of trouble happening. He stated the email they had did not match what I gave him nor was my mothers maiden name spelled correctly. Answering questions incorrectly can delay your payment. EBT has increased by 15% until September 6, 2021, so you should get the highest amount of EBT in your state. Im a 61 year old divorced RN and PT Asst. One of the biggest reasons for Stop Payment Alerts right now is the way people are answering the certification questions. But the website were forced to use is broken. Yet some of us just being self employed doing what we had taken care of families and loved ones facing the covid head on!!! 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