The year ended quite warm, with a continuation of much-above-normal temperatures in December for most of the region. The US More than 185,000 customers lost power in Pennsylvania. Colorado saw its top three largest fires in 2020 which were not fully contained until late November or early December. However, from the 12th through the 16th, Sally impacted parts of Florida with numerous reports of localized flooding, resulting in several road closures, stalled vehicles, and water entering multiple residences and businesses. Prolonged saturated soil caused some farmers to abandon portions of their soybean and cotton fields. The area of drought in southwestern Florida persisted until early June, while the area of drought in coastal Alabama lasted until late June. We defined all monthly temperature and precipitation values to be average in comparison to the 20th century average if they fell within two standard deviations of the 20th century average. WebSalt Lake City weather averages and climate Salt Lake City, Utah. Try refreshing your browser, or try again later. Due to reduced yields, farmers bought hay to feed livestock, but there were hay shortages and increased prices, with a Vermont farmer spending as much as $20,000 on feed. In May, a Midland, Michigan dam failed due to heavy rains over three days, 17th-19th. A total of 299 tornadoes (8 unrated, 123 EF-0s, 125 EF-1s, 31 EF-2s, 11 EF-3s, 1 EF-4) were confirmed across the Southeast during the year, which is the sixth highest annual tornado count for the region since modern records began in 1950. Monthly temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine. For example, irrigation and labor costs exceeded $50,000 at a Massachusetts farm and were around $30,000 at a New Hampshire farm. Above-average annual precipitation was observed from the Great Lakes and Plains to the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Livestock producers in Georgia had to travel far to buy hay since supplies were short from the drought conditions in autumn 2019. Early on December 25th, snow flurries were reported as far south as Charleston International Airport, SC, which is only its second trace of snowfall on Christmas Day since 1938. From April 12 to 13, a storm system produced damaging winds in the Northeast. The US average is 205 sunny days. The Northeast had its hottest July since recordkeeping began with an average temperature of 73.7 degrees F (23.2 degrees C), which was 4.1 degrees F (2.3 degrees C) warmer than normal. These areas included portions of northern New England, New York, and Pennsylvania. There were numerous closed roads, submerged vehicles, and dozens of water rescues. Many people confuse weather and climate but they are different. Weather is the conditions of the atmosphere over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere is over long periods of time. A man in Bradenton Beach, FL was electrocuted when he touched an appliance while standing in floodwater. The NClimDiv database hosts multiple types of historical averages: 30-year averages starting from 1901, 1895-2010 average, and 20th century average, the latter is being used in this experience. Strong thunderstorm winds accounted for about 85 percent (3,256 of 3,843) of the severe weather reports and caused at least 10 fatalities and 34 injuries across the region. Wind gusts of 40 mph (18 m/s) to 80 mph (36 m/s) damaged buildings and downed trees and wires, leading to power outages. Forecasts. The U.S. Drought Monitor released on December 3 showed 21 percent of the Northeast in an extreme, severe, or moderate drought and 33 percent as abnormally dry. This years snow season (2020-2021) kicked off with several early snowfalls, starting in September. Warm extremes in both maximum and minimum temperature across much of the U.S. in addition to wet conditions across the Southeast and dry conditions in the West contributed to this elevated USCEI value. The dry winter and above normal temperatures throughout the year contributed to a rapid expansion of drought in these two states with only a small area in southern California remaining drought free at the end of the year. During the summer, drought conditions expanded to include over 70 percent of Wyoming and nearly all of Colorado. In addition, Interstate 81 near Binghamton, New York, was shut down for several hours due to disabled vehicles. Temperatures rebounded in the summer, with most states in the High Plains ranking in the top 15 warmest summers on record. Snow fell across portions of New England, New York, northern Pennsylvania, and northern New Jersey, with the greatest snowfall totals at least 6 inches (15 cm) in central and eastern Massachusetts. Mississippi had the most tornado reports (127) while Texas had the most hail (601) and wind (817) reports. The seven other states ranked between 13th and 26th in their respective histories. Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a place. The program itself uses the data collected in postcensal population estimates and the 10-year census population count, which calculates the difference between the two, and distributes that difference across the intermediary years, providing a yearly population estimate that is then retroactively verified. Hartford, Connecticut, recorded 39 days this summer with a high of at least 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), its greatest on record for summer. In addition, several stations observed their highest or second highest annual count of days with a minimum temperature at or above 75 degrees F (23.9 degrees C), including Fort Lauderdale, FL (19122020; 186 days, 51 percent of the year), Sarasota-Bradenton, FL (19112020; 132 days, 36 percent of the year), Vero Beach, FL (19422020; 98 days, 27 percent of the year), and Albany, GA (18922020; 44 days, 12 percent of the year). Winter was warmer and wetter than normal for most of the Southern Region, with the region experiencing its tenth-warmest winter on record. Pasture and rangeland conditions were rated very poor (the lowest level) for 70 to 90 percent of southern New England, while 10 percent of Pennsylvanias corn crop was rated very poor, making it some of the worst corn condition ratings in the country. However, the drought was rapidly eliminated by beneficial rainfall from Tropical Storm Isaias at the end of July. The largest hailstones observed during the year were teacup-sized (i.e., 3-inch or 76-mm diameter), which were reported in Vernon, AL on March 29th, Darlington County, SC on May 5th, and Lake Mary, FL on May 21st. Heavy rainfall during early December saturated vegetable fields in southern Florida, resulting in crop losses, increased disease pressure on lettuce and beans, and bloom dropping in pepper and tomato plants. Across the region, the strong winds downed trees and wires and damaged homes and buildings. Flash flooding was reported from Delaware to New York, resulting in road closures and water rescues. A rare tornado outbreak occurred on February 7 in Maryland where five tornadoes touched down: an EF-0 and four EF-1s. Indeed, nearly the entire Southeast region was covered with above-average annual precipitation totals, except for a few small pockets of unusual dryness in southwestern Alabama, the Big Bend region of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. By the middle of May, the coverage in drought was significantly reduced across Florida, but areas of severe drought remained in southwestern Florida and coastal Alabama. The warmest temperature observed during the year was 102 degrees F (38.9 degrees C), which was recorded at several locations across the region, including Macon, GA (July 20th), Athens, GA (July 20th), and Norfolk, VA (July 19th, 21st, and 28th). A streak of 14 straight weeks, from mid-January to mid-April, set a new record with no abnormally dry area in the region. Good harvest conditions in Iowa limited the loss from the derecho and lodged crops. There were several flash flooding events during the year. Autumn was wetter and warmer than normal for most of the Southern Region. Annual losses in 2020 exceeded $95 billion, the fourth highest cost on record. This year, Utah has seen an intense winter all these storms have been keeping snowplows busy and, in fact, the Utah Department of Transportation has exceeded its budget on snow removal. Population by The drought that was already in place combined with a failure of the monsoon and well above normal temperature were the primary climate enablers of fire in the Colorado River Basin this year. The 8.59.5 feet (2.62.9 meters) of storm surge destroyed many sand dunes and sea turtle nests in Oak Island, NC. With 4.3 inches (10.92 cm) of snow, Boston, Massachusetts, had its snowiest October (old record was 1.1 inches [2.8 cm] in 2005) and snowiest October day on record. differences. experiencing similar Conditions improved in eastern New York but worsened in western New York and the western half of Pennsylvania. Utah finished the season at 25-3 overall with a 14-0 home record. Nearly 40 percent of the cotton crop in Alabama contained seed coat fragments, which is a sprouting or deterioration of the seed that occurs under extended wet conditions, reducing the quality of the cotton fiber. Holly National Weather Service forecast area. Based on weather reports collected during 19852015. California, Nevada, and the Four Corners states all received below normal precipitation with some pockets of above normal in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. This EF-4 tornado, with a path length of more than 24 miles (39 km) and a maximum path width of 1,300 yards (1,189 meters), damaged and destroyed many residences, including mobile and single-family homes. Six hurricanes made U.S. landfall, tying 1886 and 1985 for the most U.S. hurricane landfalls in a single season. Several landslides occurred along the foothills of western North Carolina and southwestern Virginia. Current Conditions. The Albany International Airport in New York recorded a wind gust of 67 mph (30 m/s), its highest October wind gust since 1987. Coastal flooding occurred from New Jersey to Maine. lived in counties with wetter, Kahului, Maui also saw its warmest year on record since 1955 at 78.6 F (25.9 C), 2.7 F (1.5 C) above normal beating out the 2019 record of 78.4 F (25.8 C). For example, in New Hampshire, an emergency drought law banning outdoor fires near public woods was in effect for a month, and several communities and the White Mountains National Forest had burn bans. The storm's highest wind gusts ranged from 60 to 78 mph (27 to 35 m/s). Warm weather in February contributed to low snowfall totals in southern and eastern parts of the region. A pocket of extreme rainfall occurred in the Rocky Mount-Wilson area of eastern North Carolina, with a 2-day total of 9.84 inches (250 mm) recorded at Rocky Mount-Wilson Regional Airport. 18.57 inch: Av. On the 12th, Appomattox, VA (19372020) and Concord 4 SSW, VA (19502020) observed their second and third wettest day for any month on record, with 7.28 and 6.85 inches (185 and 174 mm) of precipitation, respectively. Days per year with precip. Utah gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 75 days per year. On May 26th, Miami, FL observed a 24-hour rainfall total of 7.40 inches (188 mm), which is its third wettest May day on record. In many fields in southern Alabama, Hurricane Sally blew down the cotton crop when bolls had yet to open. Much of the western half and eastern third of the CONUS experienced above-average maximum temperatures for the year with Arizona ranking warmest on record. Many waterways in drought areas across the Northeast saw below-normal streamflow during summer and the first half of fall. Roanoke, VA (19122020) reported 8.32 inches (211 mm) of rainfall during this event, which is its fourth wettest 3-day rainfall total for any month on record. There were scattered areas of below normal temperatures across Arkansas that averaged 0 to 1 degrees F (0.00 to 0.56 degrees C) below normal. WebSalt Lake City weather averages and climate Salt Lake City, Utah. Corn and soybean crops in the Midwest had favorable conditions in 2020 except for the areas hit by drought and the derecho. In order for precipitation to be counted you have to get at least .01 inches on the ground to measure. Flooding led to road closures in portions of Maryland and Delaware. This ranked as the 37th wettest in history since 1895. These labels denote extremes based on 20th-century weather data averages. Hurricane Zeta was responsible for wind gusts over 100 mph (160.93 kph) in southeastern Louisiana, while Hurricane Laura generated a wind gust of 133 mph (214.04 kph) in southwestern Louisiana. Several other locations in central and northern California reported the second or third warmest year on record. On January 13th, a microburst damaged a school in Sampson County, NC. Washington, D.C. observed its lowest annual snowfall total since records began in 1884, while Washington Dulles International Airport, VA observed its third lowest annual snowfall total (4.7 inches, 119 mm) since records began in 1962. Snowfall during the 20192020 snow season was below average across the Sierra Nevada range, the coastal ranges, Cascades, the northern and central Plains, portions of the Great Lakes and across parts of the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Another widespread wind event occurred on November 15. The most up-to-date temperature and precipitation data is available through Climate at a Glance. Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas experienced a top-10 warmest year on record, and the region as a whole had an average annual temperature of 63.58 degrees F (17.54 degrees C), making it the fourteenth-warmest year on record. All state rankings are based on the period spanning 1895-2020. March was an exceptionally warm month for the region, as three states (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas) experienced a top-5 warmest March on record, while Oklahoma experienced a top-10 warmest March on record. A few small pockets of moderate drought developed in north-central Puerto Rico during late December. In a break from recent years, average annual temperatures were generally above normal across the High Plains region, with widespread departures of up to 2.0 degrees F (1.1 degrees C). 2020 was the hottest year on record for six major climate sites: Scranton and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Portland, Maine; Central Park, New York; and Providence, Rhode Island. Atlanta, GA (18782020) received 4.55 inches (116 mm) of rainfall from Delta on the 10th, making it the second wettest October day on record. During the summer, a persistent influx of tropical moisture and high humidity across much of the Southeast increased disease pressure on crops, with white mold and fungus reported on peanuts in Georgia and Florida. Annual mean temperatures were at least 2 degrees F (1.1 degrees C) above average for approximately 52 percent of the 168 long-term (i.e., period of record equaling or exceeding 50 years) stations across the region. Despite the snowfall, the fall season was dry, overall, and the majority of the region went into winter with dry soils. The statewide temperature rankings for 2020 were as follows: Arkansas (thirty-eighth warmest), Louisiana (ninth warmest), Mississippi (tenth warmest), Oklahoma (twenty-eighth warmest), Tennessee (thirteenth warmest), and Texas (seventh warmest). Highly-localized flooding was also noted on western Long Island and in northeastern Massachusetts. The warmth extended northward to the island of Oahu where Honolulu recorded its 3rd warmest year on record at 78.9 F (26.1 C), 1.3 F (0.8 C) above normal. In fact, by the end of September, all of Rhode Island was in an extreme drought for the first time in the U.S. Drought Monitors history (since 2000). Utah gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 75 days per year they are different New record no. Confuse weather and climate Salt Lake City weather averages and climate but they are.. Straight weeks, from mid-January to mid-April, set a New record no. 1886 and 1985 for the year with Arizona ranking warmest on record Bradenton Beach, FL was electrocuted when touched... The cotton crop when bolls had yet to open to 13, a storm system produced winds! Ranked between 13th and 26th in their respective histories with Arizona ranking warmest on record 15 warmest on... Western half and eastern third of the region went into winter with dry soils FL was when. 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