When he ends up ditched in Atlanta after a fight with his dad, Tim decides to do the only sensible thing: Tell no one and make the 800 mile journey back to Gotham on his own. He knows Tims limits, the extent to which his beautiful mind and body can be pushed without breaking. Also hob Jason mit letzter Kraft seinen Arm, ffnete seinen Helm, um ihn zur Seite zu werfen. You could have at least waited until he kissed you before you fell off a two story building.. Girl Help, The Fictional 2-D Boy I Simp For Is Real. How the relationship from my other work 'So good for me' started. If the little mafia boss was asking for help, then it must be important. Young Justice Batman | Tim Drake Jason Todd Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson Damian Wayne | Fanfiction Romance In which a seventeen-year-old girl attempts to navigate her complicated world of heroes and villains, life and death. Three times Dick's alphas needed a little reminder of who's boss. Please consider turning it on! Tim groaned, dropping face first onto the bed, "Yesh," he said, voice muffled in the sheets. And honestly, I think its wise for you to cut down a bit on the snacks. Gotham has a ghost problem. Dang it! Pure chaotic Robin energy. who wins student body president riverdale. Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley Then his coffee machine broke, and then he was asked to assist the bats, as they attempted to take down a power hungry, unhinged magician. Oh, what a story that would be! Of course, it had to be the one time he slept at the manor after patrol the night before. That's not just a thing they do on TV? The soft-hearted (Himbo) Bruce Wayne took him in because of the goodness of his heart. Another disclaimer that I have not read every single fic here. The shock startles Tim enough that he sputters out a breath. Press J to jump to the feed. Tim Drake escapes the League of Assassins with a new little sister. Tim was raised modernist, but Dick is both a traditionalist and the official Pack Omega. "But," Jason continues, "if you want to tell me what got you here, or you just want to talk about anything, you can, with me. Its a simple question, with only two possible outcomes. 21k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Tim & Damian, Damian & Dick, Jason & Stephanie, Tim & Damian & Dick & Jason & Barbara & Stephanie. Please recommend me some angsty Tim Drake centric fics. Bruce and Selina might be fine with the attraction vampires get, but he just wants to go to college to please his parents and commit crime out of pettiness! Tim has been estranged from the Bats for over two years. He was told that enough. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. And looking for him. A party is planned, and people and animals bond. When they are not looking at him of course. I am appreciative. Damian says slowly. I'm generally fine with any warnings and heavy topics. (No batc*st fics). Bro I swear God is testing me with this job. Talon will never regret leaving. Given the size of the manor and Tim's training as a vigilante, it wouldn't be that difficult to leave the manor undetected. A very drunk, and unfortunately familiar, intruder. Tim is absorbed in marathoning a case, tuning out his bodily needs to do so. Easier said than done in Gotham, but he was Red Robin, and he could finish tonight's patrol without issue. So either start behaving yourself or were leaving.. And really, the chances of him running into Hood on a Friday night were slim to none Danny and Tim have been dating for about a year now, figuring out their relationship between Tims vigilante duties and Dannys Ghost King responsibilities. Not true. It sounds nice. Leave lights on to scare them away. Tim When the Pit didn't work for whatever reason, and Ra's brought his body back, he was He'd fought hard. When Damian and Tim are kidnapped they are forced to bond under less than ideal circumstances. Danny is taking a small (unauthorized) break from his paperwork to find his bf flat on his ass sick trying to go on patrol. Drake? Just not with, the other stuff. Attention: If you want to know about Artemis or people from Tim's world the final note on my profile is for you. "I go away for a few weeks and come back to this. If he had been anyone but Damian, Tim would have said he sounded like he was about to cry. Why not indulge in one of his favorite sexual fantasies? Except the kid is Tim Drake, and Tim isnt actually trying to run away. Tim was patrolling a little too close to Crime Alley for his liking, but he would be careful. Chapter 1 The Zeta announced his arrival. He had no one to ask for help. Bruce winds up taking in two boys, instead of one. It'd be a great time, if Jason would stop taking his shirt off around Tim and Barbara would book hotel rooms with more than one damn bed. Tim will have to manage to keep his life as the notorious thief Stray a secret while trying to deal with everything that comes with living with Batman and Robin. The panic attack is coming. A family grieves a brother and a son, again, and Jason watches the worst parts of his own life (and death) from the outside. Or, Tim agrees to pick Damian up from schoolbut this is Gotham. My point, Tim whisper-hissed, Is that you need to come with me right now., But Im in the middle of this, Jason lifted the abridged copy of The Iliad toward Tims face. Janet released Jason's hand as he shook it and tightened her hold on Tim's shoulder. Detective Williams is back in town, and he's not pleased with what Tim has been up to. Her partner rolled over, taking his spot and pulled the cover while she took off the lights and soon enough they were both on the bed in a heavenly silence. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Or:There is a curse on the Wayne family that extends beyond blood. There is a bunch of traditions that each of the batkids brought into the family, but sometimes they can get a bit out of hand when forgetting about the bat-paranoia that is a package deal when joining the family. As he tastes the soil, his mind overflows with panic. Jumping in place, Tim gave another whoop, punching the air and then bending over into a fit of high pitched laughter. So what if its his Birthday? Young Justice Batman | Tim Drake Jason Todd Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson Damian Wayne | Fanfiction Romance. Its been a while since Ive had you at my mercy. I think I just saw my pimple's pimple. In which a seventeen-year-old girl attempts to navigate her complicated world of heroes and villains, life and death. Though intending to make his way alone, Tim reluctantly accepts help from his predecessor, Jason Todd, who knows from personal experience that death is not always as final as it seems. Dick Grayson has always been a breaker of stereotypes. It happened in Bride of the Demon, and they were married at the time if you can. Tim Drake is grounded from patrol, Damian Wayne is grounded from patrol. He has to get out. He's still not free yet, not from his mind. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. "No one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since.". I am holding my muse the same way you'd hold a cat that has plastic in its mouth. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It would be an exercise in espionage, he decided. He isn't as stupid as what people say. It was okay, he was okay; until something entered Gotham and shoved his differences into the limelight. Feet entwined and one wrapped in the other's arm, eyes closed and awaiting unconciousness. He didn't want to be one anymore. "That's your business and you don't know me or Dick to trust us.". With the cave destroyed because of Dick's scheming, the Justice League had decided to share the Watchtower with the team. Tim smiles at him and Jason's heart jumps. "Timothy Drakes childhood bedroom. Yes please. Summary: Writen for the 2013 Angst War - Tim thought he had come out of his encounter with Ra's Al Ghul one spleen less and a lot of scars more.In reality Ra's killed him and brought him back.He was give a second chance at life and was broken in the process.He dreams now of green hued memories of times past and pain he had thought he had left Damian notices the little things first.Its a pat on the shoulders, a hand resting on the lower back, a joke whispered so low theres no one else there to listen except Timothy like making him chuckle is a unique fortune on its own, and Father wants to treasure the sound of that laughter within the extent of his possibilities.While looking at them, car parked in front of the manor, boot open as they load their luggages, for Damian comes the unexpected realisation that theres a side of his Father he has always underestimated, or perhaps, even eluded on purpose. First post here so sorry if I did it wrong. (This is part of my series where the Justice League are younger and anti-heroes. Feel free to submit any gen themes or writers through the asks and follow for great fanfiction! Jason smirks as he takes off the helmet and sets it on a chair by the door. Whats Batman doing here? the boy asks, unfazed. @Mrs. Tim Drake : The Batman and Talia thing was consensual unless the enclosed pics looks like rape to you. He almost ended like Jason Todd, dead. "Criminal neglect of your boyfriend. I can always take us back home, Jason says coolly, cutting a piece of his stake to chew on as he scolds Tim. A thought, a prompt invitation into the land of the living, a gentle nudge, a swift request. Bruce and Selina's night is interrupted by unexpected company. A bit of drabble to get my writing muscles back in shape.). the bat siblings (read: tim) are caught up in a prank war, and tim really just wants to get even with jason, who replaced all the gluten products with gluten free products (the menace), jason just wants tim to take care of himself better, Its an odd hour. But recovery is a long road and even so, it's not easy. I promised a fic recc list after my exam here ya go you hungry devils, A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin. First off, they are vigilantes. Tim's eyes blow wide and he stares up at the ceiling, the previous night flooding his senses and memories. Tim is just extraneous now, vestigial. Its Gotham after all, and Gotham means stupid generic bad guys who kidnap de-aged vigilantes. Er verlngerte seinen Tod nur unntig. Set in motleyfam's Settle Our Bones verse. Damian, Tim, and Jason were sent on a mission to spy on Gotham's most wanted, but the mission goes wrong when an argument causes a strange device to go off.Now the boys are back in the past with a certain boy wonder and his team. Little!Tim and Daddy!Dick short one-shotCome see little sleepy and clingy baby Timmy and awesome daddy Dick. He wouldn't have done it if he knew about Tim's past. For me to come down here and find your charred corpses that are so unrecognizable I have to identify you through your dental records? Please consider turning it on! OR: Jason discovers that the new Robin - Tim Drake - is the same kid who used to follow him and Batman around with a camera. He is created with a picture, a faint, fluttering imagining of a boy, a small impression made in a mind, the realization of a son. With the last of his strength, Jason raised his arm, pushed a button on his helmet, and threw it aside after it opened. He did it. We used to hang out at your place all the time., I also visited your place with Jack and Dana, remember?, Oh yeah- he sits up a bit suddenly, so then you did see my childhood bedroom.. Equal parts dorky, equal parts angsty. Not only for the reason that he wanted to ensure Bruce would come back, but also-the fun. Like the "Princess and the Pauper" or "The Three Little Pigs"? Dick has an idea for how he can pick the right one. Story pacing? Dick has returned after being missing. You're gonna pay for two tickets so I can take you all the way home and tucked in like good rich kids should be. Tim expects to have the tower all to himself this weekend. Hood shifts his stance, barely but enough that the gun holstered on his thigh is shadowed by the edge of his jacket. Jason is a big fan of that. Jason was stunned into silence. Please consider turning it on! He doesnt know what hes hanging on to. Looking for a batman fic I read on ao3. Gross." At 3am, most people are either fast asleep, working night shifts or binge watching t.v. or, How Tim Drake Found A Family, Became A Photojournalist, Learned To Love Coffee, and Grew Up, not necessarily in that order. Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you. Kon would like to say that he did not sign up to be abducted. Also known as Tims POV of The Bat? Standing atop a building as Robin. Ragweed season, Tim thinks darkly, noting his sandpaper throat and mucus-plugged nostrils. "Janet Drake, delighted. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works He just didn't account for Tim being a ravenous goblin at night, is all. There was little that Gothamites hadnt seen. ", "Yes," Hood replies, arms spreading out at his sides and if Tim could see his face he would be sure the man was grinning. He was originally a street punk that was later adopted by Bruce Wayne. He was his rival rather than his brother. The mental countdown that began in Damians head the instant he dipped under the surface continues to tick inexorably onwards. He had no one to ask for help. Do remember to pay attention to the tags and keep yourselves safe, happy reading!! Also, Pop Pop Bruce, and Grandpa Alfred. Sidekick of the Princess of Plunder, the great Catwoman, Drake is living the best life he can as a creature of the night in full morality crisis. Todd? I had it coming accepting a night shift, but I signed up for the possible robbery not this. Story chapters will be titled with description, author's notes at top will contain any story-specific warnings. Tim hated tiny lizards. Tim just had to be more aware of his surroundings tonight and make sure he got home in one piece. After all he is just a replacement. The Business Trip by The Tim Drake-ster Club reviews It was common Bat-clan knowledge that when Bruce had a "business trip" it meant there was a case out of Gotham that concerned him. Tiny lizards. "Jason, they are the Drakes." Not the vigilant action, but the public action. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Take my word, Alfred. Williams said nothing, and they stayed like that in silence for a few minutes. About ten minutes later, where Jason gets a glass of champagne which Bruce takes from him before he is able to take a sip. Slamming open the door in hopes of startling the kid, Jason was met with a Tim Drake lying on his bed with his eyes wide open, muttering under his breath. Tim was not having a good day. The drama and angst of Tim's abduction plagues Tim after the events of Prison Sentence. Jason isn't interested in getting himself mixed up in dating. ), how she doesn't like him hanging Doch egal wie sehr er versucht, das Mysterium Stray zu lften, er findet einfach keine Antworten. All of that is for naught, however, when Jonathan comes back six years older than he was three weeks before he left. He was Red Robin. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (103), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, tim wants revenge but jason wants tim to go to sleep ffs, Tim Drake/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Coffee Lover Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, "Lets just blow it up and call it a day" ~ day 4 (Timari January 2023, Neal Caffrey and Bruce Wayne are the Same Person, me at literally any moment: villainmarivillainmarivillainmari, Timari January (DCU & Miraculous Ladybug), yeah in that youre supposed to be doing it every day of the week, i guesssssss. And its another Tuesday, whats your point, Jason asked, not looking up from his book. Tim Drake is Catlad | Stray Canon-Typical Violence Other Additional Tags to Be Added Eventual Smut Even if he would be able to reach one of his safe houses, it was unlikely he could stay conscious long enough to patch himself up. Aka The batfamily take in a Talon. Title: a world about to dawn Author: CosmoKid Summary: EXCERPTS FROM THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY vs. JACK DRAKE IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY vs. JACK DRAKE Defendant Tim Drake x Kidnapped!Reader 10.2K 127 by stitch_1217 Imagine: You are a friend to Red Robin aka Tim Drake and you know his secret identity. And maybe even smarter than you. Bruce introduced them and Jason put on his most convincing smile possible and shook hands with the woman. Tim, the boy says. Never met her. They are part of the cryptic Bat Family. Tim Drake, sleep-deprived vigilante that he is, gets hurt (predictably) and Danny is there to keep the liminal company. Besides, thats the end of it, right? First his day started, as was common, during a all-nighter. Whatever it takes. And it's not the Amity Park kind of ghost problem. Being around another pack member going through heat or a rut can sometime trigger something called 'Puppy Ruts' in unpresented pups. Ill see you tonight.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then he dropped his hand on the roof and turned his head slightly. He was told that enough. "This is going to be fucking amazing., 18k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply, Relationships: Tim & Dick, Tim & Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark & Bart Allen, Tim & Tam Fox, Tim & Damian, It seemed ironic to him now that after getting shrunken all his other problems suddenly appeared to be so little., Now You Can Keep Him by lindenrosetps @wingsdingsandpurplethings, 1k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Attacking a mugger head-on may not have been the smartest decision Tim Drake had ever made, but hey. Once upon a time, in a city full of darkness, corruption, and crime lived the Wayne Family. And oh, what a glory it is to be allowed to push. Not for a reward. Tims life is pretty boring. You learn something new everyday then. He was just fine with it and Damian, now that he was older, had his own experience under his belt, too. That's all I remember. Batkids? Fairly short. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (25), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (6), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & John Grayson & Mary Grayson, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, and i reach out my hand as a friend, not a foe, but he doesn't trust anyone in the family right now, Dick Grayson & Haley | Dick Grayson's Dog, We want all the kids at the same time and we dont care about ages, 365 Days of One Word Prompts (and my Suffering), Understand What Ive Become, It Wasnt My Design, more like them confessing through promise of violence to others lol. This is an AU. He has to get out. Tim makes his much anticipated debut as Stray. Grayson? ), so Tim needs a place to hide until the man gets over it. People are going missing in Gotham and this new kid is keeping secrets. He didn't want to live in the mansion anymore and he didn't need it. Now, the Batfam (Bat-team? The recovery for both of them takes some time, but thankfully they have a family who loves them. (But sometimes his best isn't enough.) On a boring day of patrol, Damian engages in a snowball fight, alongside Dick, Jason, and Tim. Hes a bandage over a healed wound. I wanna see those pretty blues, and also make sure you dont need a hospital., No hospital, Tim wants to say, but it comes out as a mumbled, N hm., Kon finds a moderately sick Tim, and decides that it's his problem to solve. He's letting the men roughly manhandle him out of the narrow aisle and through the warehouse when something smacks his skull. He's an annoying ray of sunshine that won't ever shut up most of the time, but he is actually a good listener. Tim and Damian have never gotten along, that much everyone knows. Well well well, he started as he leaned against the doorframe, dragging out every word. "Nice to meet you, Jason." Timari - Freeform. Tim's 20th birthday was a lot more fun than he would've thought, but he should've known it would be when his two idiots were involved. Later, when all his things came back, he'd left clues and we did find our Bruce from where Darkseid sent him. Snippets from the life of two traumatized talons, and their much loved babies. Tim and Marinette are different. But, Tim was a vigilante. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He and Jason become like brothers . The Scientific Method And To A Lesser Degree Helping A Brother, No one can stop me from making Damians pets act like service animals, no beta; I have no friends to do that lol, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain likes seeing her family being a menace to society. With the help of Spencer he gets a tattoo in their honour Part 12 of Stranded Part 26 of Chronicly Ill Girl's Criminal Minds/DC works Language: English Words: 3,258 Chapters: 1/1 32 Kudos: Parents create their children, through an image in their mind, a melody in their heart, a list to be followed, an agreement to be made. After the disasters that went down while Bruce was dead, Tim isnt feeling kindly towards being told what to do. Damians decided to go to college. Tim Drake has a chronic illness Damian Wayne calls Jason Todd "Baba" Oli the dog - Freeform Drake the duck Magic Tim worries about forgetting his family he lost. That's all I remember. If there is anything that Jason is good at, it is fucking things up. He knew Batman. Yeah okay, Tim mumbles as Bruce leaves the room, rushing to gather the last of his paperwork and set off for Wayne Enterprises. And it wouldn't have happened in the field, would it? There was even less than Gothams vigilantes hadnt seen.One day, Tim Drake Wayne aka Red Robin, encounters the biggest mystery of all; a case with no alibis, no patterns and absolutely no history: Damian Wayne aka Robin, had resorted to being nice to him. Damian thinks that Tim Drake is a nuisance, and has never considered him an equal. They consider themselves more rivals than brothers. Does that make him a billionaire too? Protective Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug) Pillow Fights. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. God Timothy was the most fucking cute boy he'd ever seen before. The first few fics in the series will be explaining every heroes origin story and setting the scene for the formation of the Justice League. whatever you want to call them), must rescue Tim before they lose him forever. Alone No More Chapter 1: Broken Arm, a batman fanfic | FanFiction Alone No More By: WriterofGotham Tim Drake is a nine year old who, doesn't have his parents around a lot. Asks you all to remove objects from kids pizzeria. As it carefully pecks at the seeds Damian lets a smile grace his face. I can see I've been neglecting a very important part of your training.. Robin might have found Tim once, but no one ever looks for Tim a second time. But what happened to these siblings after the accident that led to the loss of their parents, The sisters were taken (read:kidnapped) by the league of shadows, dick of course was taken by Bruce, and his twin was on the streets before ending up with his brother again. When Tim Drake's parents die, he is left in the care of billionaire Bruce Wayne. He survived, got chucked in Arkham Asylum, rinse and repeat. Nothing good ever comes from it. Jason finds an intruder in his apartment. Tim is the man. And Damian does know. Detective Williams's voice was harsh, every syllable a condemnation. Damian found himself in a critical situation after recklessly endangering himself out of anger over an argument with Bruce. Talon knew he was useless. Eliminated, he intoned and Tim realised with a jolt of cold dread that Slade was recording this recording Tims assassination as proof. Not because you're incapable. He thought that maybe this was it, that his death would be caused by an idiotic mistake, but Tim wasn't going to have any of that. It's an odd hour. Of all the things that could put Tim Drake in the hospital, it wouldn't be the Joker, gang wars in Gotham, or anyone on his Hit List. He has t-. At least Tim learned not to touch the book. But when his emergency comm link rang while he fought off one low level thug, his heart jumped. It had been a normal Friday. This, of course, leads to a bad time for Tim and Jason. 0 comments . The duckling lets out a soft quack, then waddles towards the outstretched hand. He works as CEO of Wayne Enterprises during the day and at night he saves lives as Red Robin. Cant it wait until we get home?, No, Tim tugged on Jasons elbow. As always every fic on the list is bat*est free. At least Tim could hide it. Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes.) Talon knew he was useless. Language: English Words: 1,435 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 9 Comments: 60 Kudos: 2420 Bookmarks . He has never argued with a punishment, not since he was a toddler, if then. "So. Bruce who is stuck undercover as Neal Caffrey didn't expect to see his family. If he was capable of this, you would never have came crawling to me.". Because the call Batman when youre in trouble rule only applies when hes Robin, right? After a 'you're too young to drink', they met the most shallow and fake people Jason could have met since he went from poverty to literally being adopted by a billionaire. Where there is literally no escape, Okay. Tim is called to where Jason has Dick bound and gagged to discuss Dick's recent hiring of Slade to find him. Bruce is going to kill him. At least he got to meet Batman. Williams snorted. First, he's got an astonishing sense of duty. He knew Bruce wouldnt speak, knew that Bruce wouldnt utter a single word, but he knew. However, in a desperate attempt to get him to actually eat something substantial, Jason makes him realize he is actually rather hungry. Hi, Timothy, Bruce greets him. Maybe, if he wished hard enough, it would fall on him and put him out of his misery. Damian has noticed the beneficial nature of his companion animals for him, now he wants to see if they can prove to be beneficial to those around him as well. He doesnt succeed. 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