Et velit deserunt dolor iure suscipit. Let's do a more point-by-point comparison on the difference between a technical product manager and a product manager. For the average person, it's much better to have a business background than a development background if you want to pursue entrepreneurship. Conflict arises if either of you competes for recognition. Perferendis nostrum eos non quidem cumque inventore sit architecto. Theoreticallythis could be true, but I'm still waiting to meetsomeone like this irl. At Meta for example its about 85% of SWE at the same band. derm, cardiology), and they have a ton of medical school debt/lost wages to boot. During my time ux used to serve some product work. I don't think most of my friends who are doctors/dentists come close to it, outside of certain specialties (i.e. I said Google, not the entire Tech Economy - specifically because OP was talking about Google's TC, not the entire tech economy which doesn't pay the same TC. Mar 9, 2019 1. You can ask your manager if you wish to switch tracks and have the necessary skills. Exponent's system design interview course. See you on the other side! I have also many engineers with quite a lot experience become product managers. However, they have different sets of activities. These numbers, of course, are just an average and those figures might vary depending on the skills and certification of each candidate. Would you recommend. the worlds #1 product development software, The Best Cover Letters That CEOs Love to Read, New Marketing Managers Do These 8 Things in the First 30 Days. Ut quis natus est tenetur assumenda cum alias. Do you know what to expect in a non-tech interview? We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. Google famously has 11 engineering levels that people can progress through. Recently on the Dev Interrupted podcast, Peter Bell, Founder & CTO of CTO Connection, spoke about the draws of becoming a sales engineer: Product managers can also stay product managers and ascend the levels of seniority. LinearB is a tool that empowers your team to do exactly this. Error accusantium accusantium omnis possimus autem. Technical background (coding and architecture) helps if you are PMing features but as a SWE that should be covered already. Enabling and driving the development team to launch various features. Why are PMs hated so much ? At Meta PM is about 85% of EM. People seem to believe that the management one is easier to climb, but it boils down to your own strengths/weaknesses. If progression is you goal you need to look at opportunities. I really hope for their own sake that the people worrying about capping out at $400K and whatnot are mostly just super ambitious college kids that don't know any better because the real world statistically will be a harsh reality check for the vast majority of y'all. Most companies also dont know how to hire or evaluate good PMs. Of course, some tension is inevitable even healthy. IB/PE also prepares you to run your own business/become an entrepreneur much better than an SWE role will - save your responses to this point, this is coming from real-life experience. Ask any questions about resumes, interviews, jobs, and more. I work in an area heavily dominated by Tech/Startups. In this post, we're going to compare product management and software engineering to help you decide which one would be a better fit for you. The details vary but the essence is the same. In my team for example there are 8 teams (each with their manager at principal band) but only 1 Principal IC engineer. Chaos is usually rooted in misunderstanding. Prioritize customer-focused solutions that directly contribute to the organization's success. You also don't need to be hyper intelligent or a rockstar to get to this level either. Observed that I am getting paid relatively way less as a Product Manager in comparison to software engineers on the same level. A project manager on the growth side can pull in $240,000 a year . 100%. In general, being able to define a product strategy and vision, helping define how the team tracks success and having meaningful metrics that are aligned with the strategy (not merely whatever is easy to measure), being able to influence without authority and the ability to build consensus and get people to buy into your ideas. Is it different from standard PM? Companies think PMs are replaceable and engineers are not. They also differ in their approach to solving problems and in their way of thinking. Would be really nice to get paid in equity from them. See for yourself start a free 30-day trial. They talk with stakeholders on the business side - like product marketers, salespeople, customer success managers, user researchers, and users themselves - to understand what users want. Discover the differences between product management vs software engineering, where some may feel more inclined to choose one over the other. Glorified schedulers who dont impact product in any way. Occasional heavy work days are okay. A lot of software engineers also become client-facing as sales engineers and solutions architects. But it's often overlooked that the job of a manager is fundamentally different than the job of a software engineer. Pay is similar. Engineers design, build, and maintain structures and systems. Similarly, the engineering manager will bristle if you try to provide detailed technical specifications. Iste necessitatibus reprehenderit veniam ea officia. I think you're conflating engineering management with product management. Hopefully, you pick the job thats right for you and have a blast doing it! Software development is so taxing. If your company fosters a win-at-all-costs environment, jostling for accolades will inevitably follow. The exceptions were successful startup founders, niche profiles Is LinkedIn data accurate? Makes sense thanks! For reference, new grads at equivalent companies that have new grad APM programs are $130-180k all-in and new MBAs with c.3-6 years of exp (typically outside of product) come in at around $190-225k. It's pretty commonplace to switch often for SWE, is it for PMs too? . In most companies, the two are parallel ladders with similar TC bands. I am on H1B work visa and so have a shorter timeline to find a job. That's why you come on WSO every other day to post about how good your baller lifestyle is compared to our peasant lives. Recruiter AMA. Non-AWS #offer #tech #amazon #amazonoffer #amazonsalary #productmanager, I browsed 100 google product managers on LinkedIn. Pay at big tech tends to be a bit less than SWE b its not horrifically far off. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. Depends on market conditions. Blind is a workplace app and discussion board for professionals that's particularly popular amongst software engineers who work at FAANG. Interview Prep. Product Designer. Quick and purposeful communication can keep you in sync. As a manager, you spend your days solving people problems, not technical problems. Looking for a referral, If you left Amazon as an L6 Product Manager (Sr PM/PMT) for better culture/WLB and less stress, where did you go? Product managers are responsible for gathering requirements and providing the engineering team with well-defined features. Eng, Go to company page As discussed above, an engineer's strong technical skill set is a valuable asset that can be leveraged to transition into product management. Engineering management does pay more, and also allows you to climb as you're suggesting. 1) get an offer with better immediate compensation, e.g. The best part is that all you tech guys are super secure, well-adjusted, and well-socialized. It can push you to get better. I want to transfer to being a PM. DM me. Product Managers will not get things as easily, plus they'll be at a greater risk of being laid off. Have you aligned with the engineering manager on a core set of success metrics to track? But once you, say, take a corp fin job with $150k you may not get any significant pay bump for 5-10 years, whereas if you stay in Big4, you'll be making $300k as Senior Manager in 8 years, 2) get an offer in a more prestigious industry, i.e. A Product Manager prioritizes how to maximize the product's value in relation to the client's business goals. Perferendis officia modi laborum ut omnis magnam. Salary Negotiation. Whats the li, If you regret, comment please Tax: TC 260k #tech #pm #sdmamazon #sdm #swe, Hi! Still a stigma to lifers and boomers. Here's an analogy: A product manager heads an orchestra that develops products to meet customers' needs. nowhere near. The relationship between the product and engineering manager truly sets the tone for the entire product team. are comparatively very easy to obtain. Value Stream: Product Managers vs Technical Program Managers. Generally embedded within a development team. Get an inside look at top companies interview processes. But hearing SWE ppl write this stuff is like EB rankings on WSO. And it's certainly worth pursuing if you have the skills and the appetite. As you may expect, the roles of a software engineer and product manager differ with respect to their skills and responsibilities. A Technical Program Manager (TPM) Responsibilities -. I'm a SE at Google. So if you got a new job recently, please share your TC breakdown. Pay for a decent SWE in my area is right around 100k, but can have a great WLB. But are there any more business oriented PMs? Joeseph Perla's keynote. It can be okay, though on the whole I dont think its necessarily better and in some cases may be worse. However, I do have a couple of offers from a mid size companies but I an inclining towards not joinjng them in a hope to try again at AMZN and GOOGL. Assist in curating technical specifications and documentation. The engineering manager serves as technical lead to determine "how" the team will build. The specifics of any PM role are going to be different (this role is notoriously hard to interview for - AWS had something like 80 distinct job skills for TPMs); there are a few things that are fairly common: influencing without authority, strategic planning, and stakeholder management. I'm considering moving to product management. Ever. Which companies pay their EM/PM almost similar? Give me some tips. 2/apply to companies that has rotational PM program. 99% of cs guys have the social skills of a dung bettle. Experience Seeker. Thanks to Robert Ying, Yunqi Chen and Jisha Kambo for providing a software engineers perspective. Handling more responsibility helps you learn more quickly and has compounding effects. Natus dolorum quibusdam quia quisquam sequi. This is just a rant and it is highly possible that I lack product management skills but just want to understand from other folks. Snarky comments, fruitless meetings, feeling like you are speaking different languages these are signals that something is broken. You are accountable for the quality and rate at which you ship as well as the scalability, performance and reliability of your code. Product management isn't a level up for an engineer, it's a role change, and you're managing the . Very easy to buy a developer, hard to buy a good CEO/business manager. But they're more likely to become people managers, leading groups of product managers. I don't have any preference yet, but it seems if I stay in Singapore, I would be paid much more (in terms of nett income - post-tax). Both roles vary a lot based on your company and team. Land More Interviews | Detailed Bullet Edits | Proven Process, Land More Offers | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, Map Your Path | 1,000+ Mentors | Global Team, For Employers | Flat Fee or Commission Available, Build Your CV | Earn Free Courses | Join the WSO Team | Remote/Flex. Management Consultant. People can't handle that they made the wrong career choice. will PMs be affected? I'm happy with my decision, but in hindsight, I didnt really have a good grasp of what these jobs entailed or know what I was signing up for. You do not want them to lead the product it takes them away from the work of building it. This means you'll be making as much or more than the Product Manager above you, whose salary is only $110k. How was your experience. Anyone at google hiring for a PM/Product Manage role in Seattle or SF? I have around 6 years of experience as a PM and have an MBA. How easy/ hard is it. - Blind (, "Once I hit 4 years cliff at Google, what should be my next rest and vest companyI'm looking for following1. Or still a 'job hop' stigma? I know senior managers in Big4 TAS that work 20-40 hours / week and make $300k+, but you guys all shit on Big4 for some reason. Earn a bachelor's degree. Quam amet voluptate dolorum sit corrupti. A software engineering job will be way more comfortable (as an individual contributor) and will allow you to make about 20% more for a long long time compared to an MBA job. PM roles are a little more sensitive to having relevant past experience than SWE (switching from enterprise to consumer products or vice versa is hard, and more domain expertise may be required). Now I decided to look into software, or #ProductManagement, or go full time for my own startup. Ive interned as a software engineer at Google and Coursera, but have never been a full-time engineer. The core product development team typically includes representatives from six functions: innovation, product management, project management, product marketing, engineering, and operations. This is true. IC is better in recessions where its much easier to find job as IC. of course to become a senior manager, it'll take ~8 years instead of 4, like in this case, but you don't have to rape your brain learning coding and other complicated shit, you can just learn basic corporate finance and you're set. What would you say? The majority of his nine-year career was spent growing SendGrid from small startup to IPO and beyond. A good product manager facilitates communication and enhances collaboration between different teams in order to ship great product efficiently. Their skills, however, may remain the same. Also you can become PHUCK You Rich as soon as your local small business starts earning > $3MM/year in FCF (lower mid market business, no need to be a mega-cap TechCo) and you hold 100% ownership - you can afford almost anything at this point aside from your own jet or estate next to Beyonce. Korean American. You do not really understand why the engineering manager makes the decisions they do. Generally speaking, the salary of a product manager will range from $60,000 to $120,000 per year, while the salary of a software engineer will range from $50,000 to $90,000 per year. Yet WSObecomes the shit show that it is where everyone is asking about advice on how to lose their virginity and guys are literally working 80-100 hours a week for the first 4 years of their careers with literally no chance at a social life. But because you are both strategic planners mired in the details, you have to context switch continuously. TC 185k, Hi all, I just graduated from a top MBA program in the U.S. and I am looking for pm roles in the states. You can code all you want, but the fact of the matter is, most developers don't know where their own asshole is when it comes to business - I've seen it first hand. I found a PM position at Hertz that could be a great fit. The "product manager" title has become a catch-all term to an extent, which makes it hard to establish an exact definition. the worlds #1 product development software and the author of the bestseller Lovability. Sets up and leads architectural reviews with teams consuming the service. I'm someone who was extremely extremely good at math (and by extension, physics and other hard science disciplines), got into HYPS school, could have gone down theCSpath, and chose the finance path instead. Engineers spend much more time heads down building. Amazon #pm #productmanagement #productmanager, To all the Product Managers, how did you get your first Product Management job? Is this true? Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. What is the basic difference between these 2 career paths and which one is better I know many SWEs later become Engineering Managers . Thanks!#pm #pm #productmanager #apple, Hey everyone. Most of your TC in SWE is driven by equity, so if your stock starts underperforming, take a guess what happens to your TC. 101 Investment Banking Interview Questions, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 3rd+ Year Analyst, Certified Hedge Fund Professional - Portfolio Manager, Certified Investment Banking Professional - 2nd Year Analyst, Certified Investment Banking Professional - Vice President, Certified Private Equity Professional - Partner, Certified Consulting Professional - 3rd+ Year Associate, Certified Research Professional - 2nd Year Associate, Financial Modeling & Valuation 2-Day Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat April 1st - Only 15 Seats, Excel Master 4-Hour Bootcamp OPEN NOW - Only 15 Seats, Venture Capital 4-Hour Bootcamp - Sat May 20th - Only 15 Seats. #pm #product #productmanage, I am currently a Glorified secretary. And there are different divisions within transaction advisory, and pay differs between them as well, and some of them make even more than $300k at a Senior Manager level. Perform market analysis and define the vision and requirements for the product; clearly articulate the why, what, when, and how of the product development. Swe earn more. A lot of my friends, family, and college alumni work in tech. The role will be based in Shanghai and I have 4 years of experience as a PM, including 1 in fintech. Thanks for sharing. I can see levels difference. They have a lot of ownership over the product roadmap and a lot of say over the product strategy. I just found a PM position under marketing on Apple career website. Microsoft We are 9 people in my team, 4 frontend incl. Enjoy trying to start the next great tech company with your IB modeling skills, Not at all. Widen your scope. They require a deep knowledge of common and specialized programming languages. Product managers set the product vision and build the product strategy. Comprehensive Guide to the Software Engineer Career Path. But in a nutshell, a product manager is responsible for deciding what a development team should build. Any cons? Each week we share stories and advice from engineering and product leaders striving to be better for their teams. Product engineering is responsible for developing the product and keeping it operating. Too many PMs. Engineering managers set the architectural vision and determine the technical strategy for the product. I was an L7 Finance Manager at Google. Happy to guide aspiring Product Managers. You're absolutely right. Doing whatever it takes to make (1) happen. The Engineering Team. There is usually much less resistance as an EM. Check out these suggestions from eight marketing experts on how to show your true value in your first 30 days. Whats your new title? After 10 years of studying the craft of product management, I've developed a deep understanding of . How difficult is it to transition from a fintech PM-T to FAANG PM-T? fy76ys post isnt terrible, but is statistically incorrect. Pay is -5% less for PMs than SWEs. The first is the strategy component. Seriously? Compare with sr dir or VP , and then try the bar. Doesn't make me an expert, but I figured I'd chime in. If youre undecided, pick the job that would make you happier, which in turn motivates you to bring your best self to work everyday and accelerate your rate of learning. And if you're a good SWE, you'll get paid way more than a good PM. To the people saying swe, Im confused cause if you go into product management then you more into higher management roles like vp and stuff isnt that where the real money is? I am a EM for last four years. Product. Your role influences the kind and amount of responsibility youll take on, so its worth thinking about it carefully when deciding your first job. When product managers move into other areas of a business, they tend to go more into the business side rather than the technical side. With all that information, you then create the product roadmap. No matter your role - engineering lead, product manager, or software engineer - you want to ship more features faster. Create a strategy that addresses the market needs and curates a prioritized roadmap for engineers, designers, and marketing teams. WSO ranks EBs. You dedicate most of your time to deep thinking, designing elegant solutions and producing good code. This coincides with their level of technical expertise, since TPMs will be more . With metrics, benchmarks, a goal-setting framework, and automations to make everything fast and convenient, LinearB has everything you need to create a high-performing development team. Microsoft, Go to company page You might also make mocks, sell customers or submit small code changes to move things along. The engineering manager is responsible for complex technical initiatives and training the engineering team on new codebases, methodologies, and solutions. below post says non-engineering will be cut. During your education, focus on developing your troubleshooting and technology support skills. Ive been looking to start applying elsewhere before it gets worse. TC: $200K, Hello All - I am going through severance process at Amazon and looking for Senior Program/Product manager opportunities and referrals on an urgent basis. Learn everything you need to ace your software engineering interviews. The Product Manager primarily focuses on learning the needs of users and communicating those needs to relevant stakeholders in the company to make sure the product meets those needs. This is something you want to optimize for early in your career. You cannot be serious if you think being a software engineering whiz will stall you out in terms of being an entrepreneur. Any product manager who has worked in software companies for any amount of time has probably experienced this breakdown. Meta Build a central dashboard with shared KPIs and align on signals that indicate real progress and customer joy. WSO depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. Woman in Tech. To untangle yourself, remember that product and engineering managers have distinct areas of focus product strategy on one side and the technical direction of the product on the other. Senior level comp in finance beats out senior level comp in SWE when adjusted for # of roles and difficulty of reaching said role (structured paths vs. tech is much more arbitrary). Do you have any idea how much harder it is to get a job at Google than say CIBC Capital Markets? Apple Lol.Current TC 400kL5", L5 is someone maybe 4 years out of school. Around 350 - 400k TC3. I have 5 YOE . Engineering is the technical team of developers and managers who write the code and create the front end, so the clearer the guidance they get upfront, the better. DM if interested in knowing more!! What is an Engineering Management Platform? All Rights Reserved. Dropbox, ICs struggle to move up at staff or senior. Im a designer considering switching to a PM role but not entirely sure how my life would change after the switch. I have experience with building brand new products as well as supporting existing products with ~ 500 active users. I'm in IB and there is so much copium going around this thread. Yes, although how would you know for sure? The rubber meets the road when the product team hands off specifications to the people who will actually build the thing. IMO this is the right answer. Practice with our team of senior tech coaches. Product Manager. But, due to the toxic culture it gets so draining. If you want to be a software engineer, you can start with Exponent's system design interview course. A Product Manager manages the prioritization of product requirements throughout the . PMs work with various stakeholders such as design, engineering, sales, legal, marketing, and business development. Hey everyone, I keep reading here that Apple PMs are more engineering project managers. We provide one big solution to help you get every little part of the deal done right. Closer pay than at fang where Its about -10% less for PMs. How to Transition from Software Engineer to Product Manager, A Less Linear Approach to CIRCLES for Product Design Questions, Talk to customers and analyze data to identify user needs, Manage a launch process, evaluate product success, and respond to feedback, Design and implement technical solutions to problems, Adopt best practices and processes for an engineering team, Mentor other engineers through code reviews and design critiques, youre interested in answering the what and why around shipping product, you have a desire to learn how to make product decisions and help a team execute on it effectively, you are ok with spending your time aligning people and influencing others to get work done, youd prefer to build a breadth of skills, more-so than deep technical expertise, youre interested in answering the how around shipping product, you really enjoy programming and want to write code, youre primarily looking to develop your technical skill set, you prefer to be more independent in terms of work, at least earlier in your career. The recruiter told me that these roles would start at L5. Next week, I have a full interview round for the Product Manager position at Google. The tech economy is way larger than the handful of BBs and EBs. Open communication is necessary for them to assess the feasibility of new product requirements, evaluate the progress of epics and features, and review code. I am not hating on the role; It's just not my cup of tea. Pay in the US at growing public tech companies is similar for parallel levels. Most companies hiring a technical lead require you to have a bachelor's degree in an applicable field, such as computer science or computer engineering. 90th percentile outcomes better for MBA, 99.999th percentile better for CS. Recently had a couple offers rescinded due to hiring freezes and was hoping someone on here would be able to help with a re, Hi All - Currently a L7 PMT team manager at Amazon. He is the co-founder and CEO of Aha! I talked to a lot of people in both roles at different companies before ultimately joining the APM program at Google, which was a phenomenal experience. Ben's been building software for 15 years. Note that responsibility is distinct from accountability. If Big 4 was paying $300K as you say after 8 years, you wouldn't have a million people leaving audit after 2-3 yrs to earn $70K at corporate. Actively collaborate and communicate with all teams to bring the product into shape. Choosing Between Product Management vs Software Engineering. Go to company page What kind of skills do I need? For me, I was more interested in finance, and at the end of the day, I decided that the compensation isn't really terrible in finance considering the fact that like 10% of FAANG SWE's get past 400-500k/year (get promoted to Senior SWE). When you experience disconnects with your engineering manager, is your instinct to create more distance or to look for opportunities to improve? Unlock with your email and get bonus: 6 financial modeling lessons free ($199 value). Commodi qui quidem qui aut consectetur dicta molestiae. They make 400k TC, but it's hard to get a raise unless you happen to be able to promoted to Senior SWE which is quite hard, as space is very limited. Please share your TC breakdown and also team blind product manager vs software engineer you to climb, but is statistically.! Heavily dominated by Tech/Startups the product it takes them away from the work of building it majority... Us at growing public tech companies is similar for parallel levels have any idea how harder... Are doctors/dentists come close to it, outside of certain specialties ( i.e # productmanage, I have around years. On a core set of success metrics to track managers are responsible for developing the product vision and determine technical... Jisha Kambo for providing a software engineer you 're a good PM inclined to choose one over the product and. 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