It took me years of hard work before I could even begin my application as a British citizen. Wow Cory! Anyway, I hope you come back. P.S. I saw one the other day, people said, "It's an acronym, 'chav', from 'council house and violent'"well, no, it isn't, that was made up in recent times. If this article baffles you then install some baffle plates mate! Fantastic article. I do hope you get to leave and start living the dream in a cheaper country in Europe. It sounds like a fascinating place! Whether you decided to stay home in the UK or embark on an adventure in some distant land, I wish you health, wealth and happiness. This is middle class hatred of the white working class, pure and simple. "Chav hang outs include an old fisherman's shed in the harbour and a derelict caravan in a field near the eastern end of the village. if I will not have children was really easy but now ??!! Would you come and live in the UK or would you rather take the road somewhere warmer? Hi Kaylene, I can't wait to read more about your solo adventures. It's just crap and I don't want to live under those conditions. I went through the whole British educational system. There were very few British born citizens working those jobs, and it's because very few British born citizens can go beyond the thinking that working in a fast food chain or as a cleaner or in a call centre for minimum wage is below them. These problems in the UK will change perhaps in 300 years, we cannot wait. You said in an earlier post Abu Dhabi was fascinating. People like you make me all the more happier that Leave and Trump won, and you know, those liberal leftie tears are so very sweet! Then throughout the 00's until present day the fascist tabloids managed take away what we had gained. I am from Hungary and been living in the UK for 13 years. This also means that, in order to actually enjoy real life (not some kind of manufacturt-pre-organised and structured activity), you have to either walk on the coasts or on the morland (a bit of a sad alternative) or go abroad on holidays. It all started a few years back when we were walking through the rain on those British rolling hills. I have watched it decline as I grow older. I know it's unusual for you to grasp that. As an ex-Londoner now living in Sydney, I can definitely relate to a lot of this - particularly rental prices in London. In the 80's people used to get beaten up for being black. But there's no garden without weeds, right? Your comment deserved a huge round of applause. It's very hard to leave! 3) Live somewhere else where you can actually LIVE and not simply EXIST. [30], Characters described as "chavs" have been featured in numerous British television programmes, as well as films. I have seen both. Thank you for posting this. If you still believe this is not possible, take me and my husband as examples. Hes the triumph of style (if youre shallow enough to consider him stylish) over function. Throughout my university years, I inevitably made friends with a lot of politics students. Many people don't have a voice but you gave them a voice. I also hope you don't feel any issues as a result of Brexit. Education is in a terrible state in the UK. This worked up to a point! I worked in a high level cyber security position after leaving military so I KNOW. They are more racist Im afraid, albeit in a passive way. We would love to visit Toronto and Vancouver. I know many foreigners who are happy in the UK and live well. Very nice post! Some of these guys were around in the 80's and were punks back then (the non racist kind). Romanian and other Balkan foods are perfect mixes of Turkish, Greek, German and other Eastern European countries such as Russia, Poland, and so on. Once I would have thought you were exaggerating. Thank you. Enjoy your sovereignty, Mark. Cory is multilingual and an alumna from The University of Manchester. Not to say travel in the UK was so expensive, not to mention living there. We have plenty of black and Muslim politicians in the UK, and other EU countries have hardly any. I'm British born and I'm leaving the UK because of Brexit. It is the uneducated and those who do not travel and learn about other cultures that may harbour racism. If you are in need of health treatment or ill, forget it. there are times I just break down in tears thinking about how screwed I really am and I am not a dual national so I cannot leave the United Kingdom any time soon even though I desperately want to leave. Being English is a privilege, the UK is a good country and one of the best in the world. We left our home in Germany on the border to Switzerland because we had had enough of the discriminatory behaviour of many Swiss towards 'outsiders' (many German professionals are cross-border commuters for work) and now we find ourselves in the same situation, again. Hi Cory, With my partner we feel the same and are struggling with hate/ underestimation and xenophobia in London for a long time. I lived alone in a small flat in Birmingham, my wages covered my rent and bills and nothing else. There are a lot of pros and cons when it comes to living in the UK and for the sake of objectivity, I would like to tackle all points in this article. After living in 7 different countries, including sunny Spain and Portugal, or temperate Germany, I still love the British weather the most. And we've come to the conclusion, that there's no place like home.. To be honest honest there is no credibility in your post, as all youve done is made a great realised, narrow minded view of a nation of 60 million people! Getting used to life in the UK takes some time for sure. "Chav" may have its origins in the Romani word "chavi", meaning "child". Dear awesome British people out there. Are you feeling excited about moving around a bit more? Dear Cory, I think this is the most precious article on living in a country on the entire Internet. 1) There are many non-ethnic/non-Han Chinese people in high up positions in the CPC (not CCP) :). This makes your comment about separating rubbish as a frustration a little lacking in historical context. I loved reading this post. Although, sometimes, we do miss having a good old pint with our mates :). This country is still driven by their colonial mindset where the Brits are the managers and the foreign will take care of getting everything done for them. we enjoyed our Jobs I think I have officially reached the point of depression due to the rain and I am absolutely desperate to leave. I've witnessed how the foreigners were treated after the Brexit vote and on behalf of my country, I'm sorry. You feel that just because you have "spotted dick" you have better cuisine than Eastern Europeans? I think he'd be interested in staying if Scotland becomes independent. Not because you're leaving because HELLO ADVENTURE, but because of all the reasons you listed. The British are tolerant. Reading this gave me a peace of mind. The difference in skin color, the way of dressing or religion is something that attract a lot of atenttion, there are very very different people living in the same country. We're in North Yorkshire and we absolutely love it here. Because I am white I could pass for being British or European but I am not. Many Hong Kongers went to Australia or Canada because both are seen as more economically and socially advanced - and yes, multicultural (the UK is a bore on diversity, go to South East Asia for that). My birth country is a tropical island paradise in the Indian Ocean. I'm so sorry you've felt victimised by negative attitudes, it's never acceptable to be anti 'other'. I agree with every sentiment you expressed and I wish you all the best outside of Britain. Mass immigration or controlled immigration will not change the way a Briton chooses whether to invite a foreigner for a cup of tea or shepherd's pie. I wish you happiness :), I got in Uk 17 years ago , a child 20 at that time ,didnt know what the future holds .Moving on , two children now, a house in mortgages, and a difficult financial situation. But people who come to the country? Well TIL, I'm from near Middlesbrough so the term must have not spread that far either that or I'm having a brain fart. You saying Italians and Greeks will never 'tick' the same as Germans, Austrians, and Dutch but do you even have a friend from Italy and Greece? That's a pretty sad position to be in. we miss home but home is empty.. We have a long way to go before we can live in a borderless world, where are all welcome anywhere and everywhere. I think the only city I like during my entire UK trip is Edinburgh, the architecture there is just so stunning and it is completely different culture from England. I'm really sorry as a Brit that you had negative experiences of racism, especially as someone who clearly learnt the language and integrated into the country. What kind of life is that? great article, summarises all I ended up thinking about the UK four years after moving here. I'm a chav! I live in the UK right now (Scotland), but I'm not a citizen. people do it. No, I haven't experienced any racism here in North Yorkshire. At the time I just thought he was thinking ahh we don't really have capacity thats annoying because this person looks good. Being born in Europe and now a British national, I also chose to move away from the UK. I've been an expat but tbh happy to call myself immigrant too (as I once was to Britain as a 2yr old!). The prices are similar across all high-income countries across North Europe. Thank you Jordan! Excellent post with a logical argument and pros/cons clearly explained. But now that has been reversed through the mainstream political narrative embracing populist views. Please do not come back. As a Brit, I can say that most of what you say is true. Portugal is fantastic, and Morocco and Albania? We are a married couple with no children, heavily focused on work. It's merely a route to (SE) England. Please bear in mind that these prices are without internet, food, transportation, clothes, personal care or any sort of entertainment. We just made positive gains as a society in how we viewed foreigners role within our society and gradually people became less extreme. As others have pointed out, you are very much enjoying North Yorks, of the more wealthy and most socially and politically Conservative parts of the North and Britain. Travel in my native country of Australia isn't cheap, but you can get from my city (Newcastle) to Sydney on the train for five bucks the same distance in the UK would cost around 60 quid on the day. We need to infuse more people with love and courage, for everyone to truly follow their dreams and live life to the full potential. I am bisexual and growing up in Romania vs UK are two different worlds - yes, Romanians were way more tolerant than British kids who physically abused and bullied me. Thank you, Cory, for this honest and heartfelt review of your time living in the UK. "[36] In Kingsman: The Secret Service, the main character Eggsy Unwin (Taron Egerton) is introduced as a stereotypical chav.[37]. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB That sums it up. How can I decide??? It's always one to take the blame. It does have it's strengths, mostly about work, but leisure is not one of them. The one that had the vote or the ones that didnt get the chance? I don't think the British people who don't like the EU are racists. I came to the UK probably at the same time when you came and I mostly agree with the change that has happened to this country. These are very difficult questions and there are very few genuinely enlightened people because of the whitewashing of Hollywood and the fact that over the years most successful actors had to change their names in order to succeed. And so, nobody ever remembered the severe damage the conservative party did to this country throughout the years. British values Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. You are so right about costs! I contributed to this country well more than an average Brit who still believes is superior to me despite his qualifications being 4 GCSEs . One of Schmitt's rules of nation building was to always create an enemy OUTSIDE your country if you want to make your country better and stronger. Oooh believe me! So which country is the worst then? Its not credible to suggest El Salvador is safer than the US. Budget cuts were making work difficult and I didn't want to live under a right wing gov. Nobody is going to vote "leave" and nobody is going to vote for "Trump". The living quality and standards are just so much better in most other countries I have lived in (Ireland included) that I lost my willingness to try and live here. Definitely not a bigot, my friend. The good news is that infrastructure is relatively good in the UK. Hi Melissa, Lovely. The Euro was a huge mistake. I went above and beyond to integrate myself. Good luck with exploring the new options, looks like you have some stunning countries in mind :). It's not true about the weather at all! We were the first country to be industrialised, like most of the world now, and our parliamentary system is followed the free world over. I too admired the great minds that had achieved many great (and terrible) things around the world in our history and wanted to emulate the elements of the "British Gentleman". We're also seeing increasing radicalisation in right wing politics because this process is a feedback loop. The trans-community, is (Like for a better word) under attack from the press, people, and the government. I told my British friend about this and her reaction was: "Were there any foreigners working for the company?" Then in work I'm working with a bunch of northern white guys who all wanted that to happen. They say immigration is an issue but so is emigration. Of course, many people want to be English, that's why they come here. No one should be treated the way that the foreigners in Britain are currently being treated, it's horrendous! How is it fairer for a British national to claim free education, free social care, free medical from Spain but is not ok to offer the same to another who wants to make a life for themselves in the UK? Furthermore, fun fact, but did you know the UK is the third-safest country to drive? Because you don't seem to have widen your horizons much We truly hope you stay in the UK because Europe is so much better off without people like you. It is people like you, with no allegiance or true connection with the UK, in other words pure economic migrants, nothing more, that are bring this country to its knees and have made it an awful place to live. I was taught in school that Britain was a multicultural society and we we're taught that multiculturalism was a positive thing. It was a difficult decision for us to move back from the UK , and I would be lying if I said we do not have second thoughts about moving back again! I always turn up to a new place eager to learn about the culture, and with romantic views about the entire city/country. Hector, the only reason why I decided to allow your comment on this page is to prove to my readers why some British people are in the state they are and why all immigrants are better off away from the UK. I got lost several times and people don't even bother to help after I asked for directions. It makes me sad to read this. This results in you learning to cook a variety of world dishes. First, the British are NOT RACIST. Best of luck with your venture, I really enjoyed reading this article, you really nailed all the points! In London, a global city! As a Brit who has lived abroad for 10 years (in Germany), I always said that I could not really see myself going back to live there permanently for similar reasons. The UK gets judged to a higher standard than other countries because of our history. I say we keep the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and reintroduce forests and wild animals. We called it our long honeymoon. Finally, to address the point on immigration.I actually blame previous governments to a large extent. Best Wishes! I didnt complain, I didnt dwell, I always gave out positive energy. Just read Hector's racists comments towards another reader and if you still think my attitude should change, Brian, you are much like Hector. You chose to live in Manchester one of the wettest and coldest parts of the UK - and yet most of Europe is colder than Manchester for most of the year. I identify as immigrant as I'm British Naturalised and recently returned home from spending most of the last decade living overseas in Asia-Pac (Australia and Singapore). And before you jump to my neck, I am a young professional with a business, whereby I, in theory at least, should benefit from conservative promises the most. The great educated gentleman is obsolete and the fine lady is on a verge of collapse. Used as a backdrop to clips of - primarily . It was really interesting to read this from another perspective. I say keep traveling and find places that you can afford to have a decent life and by that I don't mean buying 'stuff' settle for much less but a good lifestyle. I had to give up my Indian nationality due to my job with Ministry of Defence which I regret now. Many of them, in fact. I'm also a British citizen but I was born there and left around the same time that you came. I see that you have just joined this forum and reading your answers you seem to be from the UK. Learn more. Even though I think the political climate in Scotland is slightly different than in England - especially in Glasgow, where we live - there is no denying that the overall situation sucks. Would you see a non-ethnic Chinese being the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the CCP in China? I know the feeling of no sunshine. For example from london eye to Stonehenge, are very different places but both beautiful. Rest assured, we are doing wonderful. London is the 6th Most Michelin Starred city in the world, higher than Hong Kong or Barcelona. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, with my formative years being surrounded by garage and house music, multiculturalism, brilliant Saturday night TV, and the Notting Hill carnival. I hope you find a new place you will call home. Watching my home country fall apart from afar is so embarrassing and upsetting. The shed is accessed by removing two loose boards at the rear. This is one of the oldest political strategies. They're some of the most hard-working, dedicated people I've ever worked with who will do ANYTHING to earn a decent, honest living. As you can imagine, there are probably many EU nationals rethinking their options after Brexit and scanning the internet for input and answers. In fact, we think it was the best decision ever. See how you feel, see if you like it or not. Rent is ridiculously expensive and housing quality is despicable, I was shocked! Canada is so high on our bucket list. Imported American culture. Do you have any questions or suggestions? We live in a gorgeous house with good insulation, stunning views, great friends, good food fit for human consumption and are surrounded by lovely people who accept and appreciate other cultures. Below I will explain some of the factors we took into account when we made our decision. Why would you think the UK ought to be like Communist Hungry or Caucesescu Romania? English culture is a thing, it has been for centuries, changing with time, adapting to new ways of life. We just moved to Budapest for a bit to try and mix things up a bit. That's a lot, isn't it? My god the atmosphere was one of the strangest I had ever felt after that. Many greetings, Josefa! Learn more. YUM YUM. What a load of crap. 'Avant-garde fashion and full of chavs' - Lincolnshire described in vicious online write-ups. However I'm not sure if the uk will ever be the same. I'm lucky as I have both a New Zealand and UK passport so doors are always open to me. -Safety- its NOT safe here, my 2 year old son was attacked by teenagers but the great British police is HELPLESS. [9], Besides referring to loutish (ill-mannered) behaviour, violence, and particular speech patterns (all of which are stereotypes), the chav stereotype includes wearing branded designer sportswear,[14] which may be accompanied by some form of flashy gold jewellery otherwise termed as "bling". What country is perfect, aye? Bristol is actually just as wet as Manchester because it is in the west - so actually you did live in a relatively "rainy" part of England, yes. [23] Some argue that it amounts to simple snobbery and elitism. You know growing up in a former colony of Britain and having an English education made me idealize London. Not just weather, lifestyle or even landscape. The weather is better but their governments are destroying both. I definitely feel you on this, although maybe not to the extent that you do as I am an American who lives in Prague and has lived in Wales and France. The food is good in places if you know where to eat. What a load of rubbish. But obviously you're biased because you're an immigrant so you're never gonna understand me. Enjoy: It's beautiful that you can live in Germany without a visa. Travelling doesn't come cheap in the UK. Make it like in the past, the author says that the past was better. As i said before the cleaning in the streets and order let it be maintained, makes the city more beautiful and also helps the environment. You can't compare the average salary with the average rent in a normal or even expensive area. All thanks to the naive and ignorant older generation. I would love to visit Prague and although I know many digital nomads pick this city to live in, I believe it's not exactly what I have in mind. Imagine not having power for your computer. The UK blows fat d*ck in all aspects. This obviously all falls in line with the class society and with the fact that this is a tresure island for rentiers. And she hates the Rain (by the way the weather in the UK is as she would know if she had paid attention unpredictable ,,that means it may rain for periods and then suddenly be sunny for long stretches too ) . I live in Argentina, and as an EU citizen, I'm planning on moving to the UK before March 29, Brexit tentative date, looking for new opportunities for me. It's a hiker's paradise, there's so much green, with ancient woodlands, rocky formations and medieval villages. Please don't be afraid of the UK! I had the idea that the UK would be a paradise for me, and I would be able to continue my professional career over there, in London, to be specific. The hardship will still be there just in a slightly different way (ie:through the spouse that will need to adapt to change and the support needed with it). Comfortable in winter AND summer. Just because the UK was unable to tighten the system in regards to NHS and benefits access. Do you honestly think ALlL Brits think Britain is great and we are living in some utopia? You can purchase anything your heart desires from the supermarket. Very interesting! It might be because, even not being religious, I come from a Catholic country, but the way the "Alfie Evans Case" was handled by the hospital, media, judges etc. So what went wrong? My peers were cool, the work environment was multicultural, everyone was smart, funny, different and awesome. To cut it short, I'm sad you're leaving for those reasons. Britain was a step up from the developing world for my hardworking immigrant parents. It is used in envy by the lily livered, privileged, pale, besuited bank clerk who sees people dressed up to the nines and going to the West End." It's no. For every ignorant comment, there is a kind person who welcomes foreigners. This country has ace roads in comparison to other places we've lived in. I thought it had to do with me but the more I got to know more locals and foreigners like myself, the more I realised that was just the way life in London was. You can enjoy all four seasons! I do agree that Brexit is a good thing because it will force Europe to grow and be better in business and improve their own cities and cooperation without a tick such as England. Our education system definitely needs an upgrade so British people stop being so ignorant about our history. The perception is Britain 'easy' - do what you want, whatevers. The UK hasn't had to pay for their education and they are not responsible for them until they become Brits. Violent, dirty cities. I know Australia is very expensive, and I am glad to hear the UK has better prices. Perhaps because they carry England as it is remembered, not as it is. Chavette" is a related term referring to female chavs, and the adjectives "chavvy", "chavvish . We should all be free to live a happy life everywhere. The UK has more international communities than any other country in the world. Thats a huge number for a small country. So just try a little bit harder. But please know that you and your husband are welcome, you are safe, and if our government ever decides to sort themselves out and stop being absolute tools, I hope you come back some day :) But in the meantime have an absolute blast in Portugal, Hungary and wherever else the wind takes you! Some of the comments are impressively candid behind a computer screen. Discourse on chavs in contemporary Britain has been widely implicated in the . Complete and utter rubbish. Perhaps, the main reason I loved these, was because we were all like-minded young individuals, who dreamt of a true democratic UK which had the Labour party at the core. The UK is such a trash country, the only reason people used to speak highly of it was because of how powerful the GBP is. Gloucester has been featured on a popular website dedicated to 'chav towns'. In waging this campaign she weakened British industry to the point that it never really recovered and turned the UK into the one-horse (and one town - London) financial market centre it has been ever since. Excellent read! But this is something new. According to CWJobs the average salary for Professional jobs in London is 52,500. The culture of 'fair go,' work hard and play hard, and mostly, gratitude. I am treated like a stellar class citizen. I only just came across your article. In a few years, it will probably be legal to self-identify as as a cat or dog. American actress Chloe Sevigny shouldn't expect a warm welcome if she ever returns to Manchester - she claims the city is full of "chavs". I heard the US is a wonderful country and despite its issues, if it makes you feel like home, then it is home. I do hope you move to Barcelona soon! Its good to hear that you are happy now you have moved back to the UK. [1] "Chavette" is a related term referring to female chavs, and the adjectives "chavvy", "chavvish", and "chavtastic" are used to describe things associated with chavs, such as fashion, slang, etc. I am glad you had the courage to leave it all behind and become the fulfilled and happy person you are today. My article is too polite if you ask me. I'd rather stay here in Lisbon. xx Morgan. I hope things get better here but I dont think they will any time soon. Hi Lena, it took a lot of courage to say all these things. My wife and I can't wait to leave London next year. Wasn't uni education free at one point? We've left again. Getting a job is a competition and may the best one win! Ive been to India, and well to be honest its also a shithole to quote you! No visa to Australia without the qualifications, sponsorship, medical insurance etc. I do not recognise this country anymore. 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