Of the 1,103 passengers on board, 118 men, women, and childrenincluding 28 Americanswere killed. DD 522 : Diary of a destroyer Surels, Ron Books dealing with this subject include: 200,000 Miles Aboard the Destroyer Cotten, Robinson, C. Snelling, 1999 So the next order was Single up all lines. The U.S. Navy was to patrol this expanse to report on belligerent activity and prevent British, French, and German warships from attacking merchant ships within the zone's boundaries. Lieutenant Bruns was one of the first killed as the U-boat crew began climbing out of the sub and attempted to abandon ship. Preparations would start several hours before getting underway, primarily down in the engineering spaces. While the movie finds Tom Hanks' Commander Ernest Krause and the convoy caught up in the Battle of the Atlantic over a five-day period in the latter part of 1942, the battle actually spanned almost the entirety of the war, beginning on September 3, 1939 and ending on May 8, 1945. For this reason, all sailors of the Boiler Technician (BT) rating were meticulous about carrying a book of matches around with them at all times. She was first launched in 1943 and went in and out of commission during the Korean War and the Cold War. Following anti-submarine warfare exercises off of Okinawa, KIDD and her division mates provided escourt for BADOENG STRAIT (CVE-116) en route to Yokosuka, Japan. It was early on at this point in her career when she picked up the nickname that would become her trademark. The KIDD would become the only vessel in the history of the United States Navy to ever have such leave granted to fly the flag of piracy. These conditions refer to degrees of closure to minimize the effects of potential damage. The ship had to approach very carefully directly into the current and hold itself in position during this process. Half of the year, she rides the currents of the Mississippi; the other half, she sits dry-docked in a cradle where visitors can see her full dimensions. Allan B. Roby, the Silver Star for gallantry. Four B&W three-drum boilers (565 psi @ 850 F), Two sets of General Electric geared turbines (60,000 hp total), five 5"/38-cal. Commissioned back into service on March 28 of that year under the command of Cdr. Lookouts spotted flags flying at half-mast. May her victories be triumphant and conclusive!. She whispers stories of courage, bravery, and sacrifice. The edition of TIME magazine that week carried a photo of KIDD, announcing that it had been one hundred years since the Jolly Roger had flown in New York Harbor. During World War II, the Atlantic Coast destroyers would probably be at battle stations with Material Condition Zebra set by the time that they cleared the submarine net. Not long afterward, KIDD saw action at Tarawa during the Gilbert Island invasion in November of 1943. Four Fletchers have been preserved on public display. In 1984, the Dutch fleet oiler ZUIDERKRUIS arrived in Baton Rouge on a port visit and transferred to KIDD two twin 20mm gun mounts, two Mk-16 K-gun depth charge projectors, and twelve 20mm magazine drums. With carrier-based aircraft pounding the Japanese installations on the island, KIDD moved off to investigate a submarine contact miles away from the formation. Communications would be established with all vital stations, steering gear, alarms, whistle and engine order telegraph tested, radar, sonar, and fathometer in operation, and compasses checked. On July 03, 1997, KIDDs torpedo tubes were reloaded for the first time since 1964, finishing out her full armament. There wouldn't have been enough men, food, weapons, or resources to make weapons. It was also more difficult to remain unnoticed by the Germans.The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuous battle of WWII. On 21 February, the Campbell was on her way to rejoin Convoy ON-166 after rescuing 50 survivors of the torpedoed Norwegian freighter Nielson Alonso. From there, they picked up an outbound convoy and battered their way west to Newfoundland. As we parsed out theGreyhound true story from the movie, we learned that Commander Ernest Krause is a fictional character based on Commander George Krause from C. S. Forester's book The Good Shepherd. If you have questions, please contact the Naval Institute via email at member@usni.org or by phone at 800-233-8764. The crew buried their dead at sea along the way on April 12. Losing the supply lines was a constant worry for the Allies. Allied Warships Destroyers Fletcher class 175 ships The destroyer USS Saufley (DD 465) of the US Navy . On March 19, 1945, the carrier USS FRANKLIN (CV-13) suffered a devastating hit which touched off gasoline and ammunition explosions and claimed 724 lives. She provided escort for the carrier task force which launched air raids on Wake Island in October of 1943 and then again, in November, for the carriers ESSEX (CV-9), BUNKER HILL (CV-17), and INDEPENDENCE (CV-22) in strikes against Rabaul and Bougainville. Another unique distinction about KIDDs first voyage was the make-up of her crew. Six 25-man balsa life rafts were located in Seal Beach, California. that 175 FLETCHER class destroyers were completed in the two plus year period from June 1942 to September 1944. By early 1942, U-boats had begun to wreak havoc directly off the east coast of North and South America, easily picking off merchant ships that were poorly defended. Destroyers have been called upon to perform a wide variety of duties. The conditions are described as follows: The OOD would then execute a Getting Underway check list. Normally the crew stood duty on one day out of every three. She was present for the occupation of Saipan in June of 1944 and assisted in the bombardment of Guam in July and August. Thirty-two were transferred to the navies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Taiwan and Turkey. flying the skull and crossbones of the Jolly Roger high from the foremast. Of the four preserved Fletcher-class destroyers, she is the only destroyer remaining in her World War II appearance and is now on exhibit in her wartime camouflage paint, Measure 22.. During Operation War Dance in December of that year, KIDD cruised at 10 knots around the harbor at Wonsan, drawing the fire of enemy shore batteries in order to reveal their positions. Initially it was a 300-mile-wide strip of ocean bounded on the north by Canadian territorial waters then running south through the Caribbean. Downtown Baton Rouges Fletcher-class destroyer USS KIDD (DD-661) and the Louisiana Veterans Museum. The U.S. She returned fire on and silenced several batteries successfully. One hundred seventy-five of these ships were built between March 1941 and February 1945. (read it here). The island-hopping campaign continued across the Pacific and KIDD continued to go in harms way. She saw action again in the Marshall Islands in January of 1944, and was the first to follow minesweepers into the lagoon at Majuro. No, not exactly. That task accomplished, KIDD departed Philadelphia, arriving under tow at Baton Rouge on May 23, 1982, to a welcoming crowd of over ten thousand. The USS Kidd has been docked in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for years, where it has served as a tourist . 5. Navy ships never use this method any more, as sufficient pier space is provided in all of the navys home ports and all necessary services are provided from shore. "The tower was a mass of twisted steel. Logistically, moving approximately 40 ships as a cohesive unit was anything but easy. The Coast Guard would man 30 DEs, organized in five escort divisions, and 74 PFs, primarily assigned to weather-station duty. The latter part of 1958 saw her engaged in a similar role patrolling the straits between Formosa (Taiwan) and mainland China while international tempers flared over the Chinese bombardment of the offshore islands of Quemoy and Matsu. Harry G. Moore coming aboard in his stead. The mid-ocean U.S. escort groups were built around either the Campbell or Spencer, supported by a few U.S. Navy destroyers and corvettes from the Canadian, Free Polish, and/or Free French navies. Tying up alongside the destroyer tender HAMUL (AD-20), the crew began to make temporary repairs. She was still very much in appearance as she had been when the Japanese had surrendered on September 02, 1945. USS The Sullivans served with . Your email address will not be published. On 12 June 1944, a new Gearing -class destroyer, USS Chevalier (DD 805) was laid downlike the 451, the third ship of her class from Bath Iron Works. Upon reaching Ulithi, another devastating blow to morale was waiting for them. Two days earlier, while helping escort eight ships from Iceland to a rendezvous with westbound ONS-152, the cutter had dropped a single 600-pound depth charge on a sound contact. City of Flint's crew picked up 238 survivors, some of whom had been wounded in the attack or were suffering from exposure. At the end of the year, DesDiv 101 continued on to Luzon, where Haraden was again damaged while escorting a carrier task force in the Sulu Sea and again returned to the West Coast for repairs. Her keel was laid on Oct . By 1971, all ships remaining in the US Navy had decommissioned but not until 2001 was Mexicos Cuitlhuac, the former John Rodgers and the last active Fletcher, retired. By the autumn of 1942, the main U-boat menace had moved from the U.S. East Coast back to the North Atlantic. My first 11 years in the Navy were spent in Japan. Some that we were called upon to perform included: There are probably some others that I have forgotten about. After two deployments, it was back to the shipyard again. Arch A. Mercey and Lee Grove, eds., Sea, Surf and Hell (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1946). Restored to her August, 1945 configuration, KIDD is one of the most authentic and accurate restorations in the Historic Fleet. Based at Hvalfjordur, Iceland, the Bibb, Duane, and Ingham covered small convoys out from Reykjavik that were joining westbound ON convoys. Pingback: Manning Fletcher Class Destroyers | Naval Historical Foundation, Pingback: Fletcher Class Destroyer Operations - Part II | Naval Historical Foundation. My wifes first comment when I took her around the ship for the first time was You mean that you start all of this up with a match?. By VJ Day, 67 Sumners55 destroyers and 12 destroyer-minelayer conversionsplus 45 ships of a lengthened production variant, initially referred to as the 2,200-ton long hull class and later as the Gearing class. Under the command of Cdr. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Naval Historical Foundation 1306 Dahlgren Avenue, SE Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374 1-202-678-4333 info@navyhistory.org. Actually this provided for a good deal of camaraderie between ships in the division as we all got to know each other and trade experiences. . Naval Institute is maintaining and preserving the former Naval Historical Foundation website so readers and former NHF members can still access past issues of Pull Together and other content. Up until the 1960s, most naval home ports did not provide much in the line of pier space and in San Diego, we usually moored to a mooring buoy in the harbor. This method was still in general use in the Navy even into the 1990s and there are still some ships that still use it, even though burner management systems have been common on commercial ships since the 1970s. Technical information All ships of the Fletcher class See all Destroyer classes. The U-boat was too close for the destroyer's guns, so the crew members opened fire with rifles, submachine guns, and machine guns. For six days the ships battled heavy seas. While at the buoys we were provided with services with some harbor craft which were referred to as fuel, water, and garbage barges operated by the Naval District. "It was a shallow charge, and as that thing exploded, the ship quivered, really quivered," Sasso said. Full right rudder was ordered, and the cutter closed to ram the submarine. The strategy that the Allies used was to send a group of merchant ships across the Atlantic in a convoy that was escorted by a group of warships, and, when feasible, aircraft. . Instead, she struck a glancing blow and the U-boat's hydroplane opened a large gash in the Campbell's hull. On July 03, 1997, KIDDs torpedo tubes were reloaded for the first time since 1964, finishing out her full armament. Germany lost roughly 28,000 to 30,000 U-boat crewmen, roughly 70 percent of the 41,000 German seamen who took part in the lengthy battle. She and the other ships of her squadron were among the first to encounter the Japanese planes which came out to meet the great armada threatening Japans shores. As U-606 cleared her stern, the cutter dropped two depth charges set at 50 feet. When thinking about it at a later date, you wonder how a human can cheer at the sight of another person being killed. This is the third in a series of articles by Captain Stewart detailing the technical specifications, manning, and operations of the U.S. Navys Fletcher class destroyers. The pace of US destroyer construction accelerated with the wartime Fletcher class. The KIDDs first voyage was one of some notoriety. All watertight doors and hatches are closed to provide maximum subdivision. Left full rudder was applied; the ship had just barely begun to turn. Thus far during the war, she had suffered no major damage, the starshells fired by NORTH CAROLINA over a year and a half earlier being the most severe. Yes. I spent 22 years in the Navy. She continued rescue operations all the while maneuvering to avoid bombs and airborne torpedoes while simultaneously engaging the enemy. Heres how to join! The tenders could then supply us with power, thereby allowing us to shut down and go Cold Iron. Upon departing Pusan, she rounded the southern tip of the Korean peninsula and almost ran headlong into Typhoon Marge. In September 1941, it requested studies for a destroyer with greater anti-aircraft capability. While all of this was going on, the crew of the HAMUL cast a brass plaque with the names of KIDDs thirty-eight fallen crewmen. While I did not serve in a Fletcher class destroyer, I did serve in a FRAM II destroyer, the USS ROWAN DD-782. By the time her gun crews saw U-606 to starboard, the submarine was so close the 5-inch guns could not be depressed enough to fire at her. The American ships then headed to Londonderry, Northern Ireland, for supplies, training, and, hopefully, liberty. The edition of TIME magazine that week carried a photo of KIDD, announcing that it had been one hundred years since the Jolly Roger had flown in New York Harbor. The next order would be to Take in the Brow. . KIDD sounded the warning to the rest of the fleet and opened fire, downing two of the attackers. My own ship, the USS Halsey Powell (DD 686) had been struck by a Kamikaze while escorting the carrier USS Hancock (CV 19) off Okinawa in 1945. But while the Mahans were all in service before World War II, the first Fletcher class vessels was not introduced into service until the middle of 1942, which is after the February 1942 date in which the movie is set. One of the main reasons the filmmakers chose to shoot on the historic battleship is because the Kidd is the only surviving WWII destroyer still in her wartime configuration.If you listen closely during the movie, one of the sailors on the ship refers to a buddy he knows who was on the Kidd. The disabled cutter, meanwhile, was towed to Newfoundland for repairs. Sign up to get updates about new releases and event invitations. USS The Sullivans was named after the five Sullivan brothers who were killed when USS Juneau was lost in action in mid-November 1942. But the rules of warfare are: Kill or be killed.". KIDD was one of several destroyers which stood guard for the beleaguered carrier while her crew fought to keep her afloat. Early that summer, President Roosevelt agreed to protect Iceland, and U.S. Marines replaced a British occupying force on the island. USS The Sullivans (DD-537) The USS Sullivans was a long-range, large destroyer used for anti-submarine warfare, anti-aircraft warfare, and surface action. Some 2,100-tonners served off Korea in the 1950s and some even off Vietnam in the 60s. The freighters bow sliced nearly halfway through the destroyers hull at the deck line, leaving a 15-ft. v-shaped hole that extended three feet below the waterline and flooding the sonar compartment. After the three ships met at night on 9 September, the cutters helped care for and transport the survivors back to the United States. In 1959, KIDD was transferred to the Atlantic Fleet. During World War II, the Atlantic Coast destroyers would probably be at battle stations with Material Condition Zebra set by the time that they cleared the submarine net. Commissioned into service two months later on April 23, KIDD commenced her shakedown cruise at Casco Bay, Maine. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. USS Halsey Powell backs away from a pier in Subic Bay. Ships' logs, war diaries, and after-action reports for the Coast Guard cutters: USS Bibb, Campbell, Duane, Alexander Hamilton, Ingham, and Spencer; National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD (hereinafter cited as NARA). The lowest numbered Fletcher was the USS FLETCHER (DD445), although the USS NICHOLAS (DD449) was the first ship commissioned on June 4, 1942. While in the shipyards, Cdr. Also in early 1942, Secretary cutters began running a convoy shuttle as part of U.S. Navy Task Force 24. (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1987). As the first big ships to appear and because there were so many of them, however, the Fletchers are remembered as the signature US Navy destroyer class of the Pacific war. At this point, we were underway. This action won her skipper at the time, Cdr. On the night of the 17th, the Ingham's sonar was turned off and her sonarman, Mike Sasso, was listening for screw noise with the hydrophones. 3. Though built with the Pacific in mind, Fletchers also served in the Atlantic theater. Mrs. Inez Kidd, widow of RADM Kidd, served as the ships sponsor, christening her and presenting her crew with a handsome wardroom guest book in which she wrote: May the destiny of the USS KIDD be glorious! Detached from bombardment duty, KIDD was ordered to convey an Admiral to Pusan at flank speed. During the attack on Rabaul, KIDD stopped to pick up the crew of a downed plane from the ESSEX, falling behind the main force of the fleet, and came under attack from a group of eight Japanese dive bombers. The USS KIDD (DD-661) is a Fletcher-class destroyer, the six hundred sixty-first destroyer built by the United States Navy. Not a member of the Naval Institute? Destroyer Squadron 51 The Alexander Hamilton was one of the first cutters actively engaged in convoy escort duty. Since his retirement from active naval service in 1986 he has been employed in the ship design industry where he has specialized in the development of concept designs of propulsion and powering systems, some of which have entered active service. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. However, when KIDD arrived at the Brooklyn yards, the official message sent back to the yards in Kearny read: The WAVE delivered The Kidd at 2:30 today.. Allan Roby was reassigned at this time, with Cdr. Pilots were only used when absolutely necessary in a strange port and most maneuvers were accomplished without tug assistance. While the vessels drifted clear of each other, the Campbell's 20-mm and 3-inch guns raked the U-boat's conning tower and deck. 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