All of these athletes train within Westside Barbell. So, without further adieu, here is a clear and concise bit by the man who created perhaps the most effective multi-year strength training system in history: When lifters repeatedly use the same simple method of training to raise their strength level, they will eventually stall. Rest 60 seconds between sets. Starzynaki, T.; Sozanski, H.Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for all Sports. If possible, track your HRV to determine your training ability. More specifically, as Westside is a powerlifting gym the upper/lower split can be more suitably defined as a Squat and Deadlift/Bench Press split. Sign up for our newsletter and get new articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. NO Spam Just quality, useful material. This programming focuses on what we do with NFL and high level amateur football players to develop the strength to overpower the individual match up. A variation can be as simple as changing the width of your grip/stance or reducing/increasing the movements range of motion (ROM). The conjugate training technique offers many benefits in terms of strength, which is the main goal of the program. All workouts will include four to six exercises. Below the 6-week program I have provided you with several examples of which type of accessory exercises are commonly used at Westside. This may come as shock to many, but the logic is pretty simple: spend the bulk of your time working on improving your limitations and your classic lifts will improve. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. I hope this explains how the Westside conjugate system was created. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. With their advice, which they gave me freely at meets, and following the methodologies of the Culver City Westside group, I came up with the Westside conjugate system. I was always stronger a week or two after a meet or a week or two before the meet, but very seldom on meet day. Conjugate periodization is a plan for multilateral, long-term athletic development. He also has 24 athletes who deadlift over 800 pounds and three who deadlift over 900lbs. It has been a 40-year odyssey of pain, work, and experimentation. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The trainee must choose any type of Box Squat variation and perform 10-12 sets of 2 repetitions at 40-60% 1RM for geared lifters or 70-85% for non-geared/raw lifters. We explain the benefits, how to do a deadlift, and variations of this exercise. (2020). Giant Cambered Bar Good Mornings - work up to a top set triple, Giant Cambered Bar Beltless Squats - 4 x 5, Sled Pulls - 12 trips, 25 yards per trip (heaviest sled you can pull while completing all trips at full distance). Have you ever wondered whatLouie and the crew did whenthey trained in his basement or garage beforemonolifts and specialtybars? After a 30-minute rest 6 more maxes on pulling exercises plus 6 max squats, front or back. Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Kraemer, W. J. Rest 60 seconds between repeating supersets. This will consist of either another cardiac output session OR a recovery session of 20 to 30 minutes of light cyclical work (can use the same measure as cardiac output, but this time your heart rate should NOT exceed 130). Perform 4 sets of 15-20 reps with moderate to heavy loading. Proper implementation of the dynamic effort method for lower body training is guaranteed to increase Over the years, we have had tremendous success building the bench press at Westside Barbell. Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. The main exercise you choose will depend on the training day. For these conditioning sessions, youre going to want to invest in a chest-strap heart rate monitor to eliminate any chance of guesswork. In this paper, we propose a modified Polak-Ribiere-Polyak (PRP) conjugate gradient method. Accommodating resistance 1 . Accessory exercises should be selected based on weaknesses or strengths that an athlete must develop to continue progressing in the gym and sport. Variations can be slight and should closely resemble the move you are attempting to replicate. While Louie has, and continues, to make innumerable contributions to the strength industry, perhaps his greatest achievement to date is his creation of The Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method and the subsequent world wide attention that has been given to understanding the benefits of Conjugated Periodization. Expect your heart rate to be between 150 to 160 during sets and come down to 130 during rest intervals. Conjugate Club 2020. His first sport of choice was Olympic Lifting. The trainee will use this variation for 3 weeks in a row while maintaining the same weight on the bar. Work up to a 3RM, 1) Conventional Stance Parallel Box Squat vs. Bands: 12 x 2 @ 75% 1RM, 1) Sumo Deficit Pull from a 2 Mat. The truth is, your exercise programming will make or break you. This program consists of 4 days, 2 max effort and 2 dynamic daysall revolving around utilizing thebare bones essentialsof a bar, a rack, and a sled. 3)Variations: The concept of variation (which I outlined in detail HERE) is where much of the confusion stems in regard to Westsides Conjugate Method. Here is the Conjugate Method Standard Template training schedule: This training schedule keeps our max effort training days strategically spaced apart to ensure adequate recovery is possible between max effort training days. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. When you do the conjugate method, you repeat the same movement patterns in slightly different ways. Lets take a closer look at what these workouts entail. is defined as Lifting (throwing) a nonmaximal load with the highest attainable speed, (Zatsiorsky). Perform the prescribed number of sets/reps at the appropriate percentage of your 1RM: Geared Lifters: 10-12 sets of 2 reps at40-60% 1RM, Raw Lifters: 10-12 sets of 2 reps at 70-85% 1RM, All Lifters: 6-10 sets of 1-3 reps at 60-85% 1RM, All Lifters: 9 x 3 repetitions at 50% 1RM, Use the same variation for 3 weeks in a row while simultaneously increasing the weight in each successive week. Attack your accessory work as hard and eavy as possible. The progressive gradual overload system was being used in the U.S. As a result, I figured Id do my best to outline a simpleand straightforward guide designed specifically to instruct the masses on how to properly use The Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method. Here are the top derivatives I use consistently with my wrestlers and what I've found to be their approximate relationship with the core lifts: Box squat 1. His training was a combination of regular squats, box squats, old Westside style (meaning Culver City, CA, style), rack squats, and good mornings, which contributed to his success. When you use the same routine over and over, you fail to make progress. The workout days will be max effort lower, max effort upper, dynamic effort lower, and dynamic effort upper. Changing up exercises allows you to constantly challenge yourself and work your body in different ways. This is known as the Main Move and must be the first exercise of the day. The Repeated Effort Method. It was not created for optimal fat loss or to improve general health. It helps build strength with a varied and individualized routine. My mission is to give you the knowledge and confidence to incorporate the best possible training and nutrition into your lifestyle so that you can eliminate stubborn belly fat, gain strength, and build the body theyve always wanted. It started with a phone call. Louie himself is 1 of only 5 lifters in history to total Elite in 5 different weight classes and the only person over 50 years old to squat 920lbs, bench press 600lbs, and deadlift 722lbs. Believe it or not, Louies first official Westside Barbell member was a bodybuilder named Jimmy Sitzer, (Bandbell Bar) an advocate of power-building utilizing our system. Once you have correctly scheduled training days, it is time to begin writing the programming you will execute during those training days. Rest 60 seconds. We explore what the FITT principle is, along with how you can incorporate it into your workouts for better fitness benefits. Did you know that Crossfit founder Greg Glassman called Louie and talked over his plans of launching a new exercise community before it became the monster that it is today? A. S. Prilepin was instrumental in regulating the number of repetitions and sets at a particular intensity zone. The Westside conjugate system is the best of two advanced training systems: the Soviet system, where several special exercises are used to advance the training of superior lifters and athletes, and the Bulgarian system, where near-max lifts are performed every workout. Gaining strength is the main aim of the training system. The young lifters believe its a new from of periodization. The volume will be different each week due to the difference between bar maxes. Lapututin, Nikolai; Oleshko, Valentin. George Frenn was a world record holder in powerlifting and in the 56-pound weight throw. Draw your own opinions from the source not from a third party. Perform 4-5 sets of 6-8 reps with moderate to heavy loading. Do the main move variation for 3 consecutive weeks. Over the last 40 years athletes ranging from Olympic wrestlers, UFC Fighters, Pro Boxers, Jiu-Jitsu athletes and Judo competitors have trained and consulted with Westside Barbell. Take full recovery of 2-3 minutes between heavy sets. To quote Louie directly, Do it until it hurts too much., 1) Frequency: 1 session per week for Squat/Deadlift and Bench Press respectively. Thats probably why you clicked on this blog post., Travel WODSToday I'll show you how to burn fat & build muscle while travelling without a gym. Perform specific accessory movements for a maximum of 3 weeks and then switch to a different move. Westsides training schedule can be further broken down into two distinct categories based on two of the three principal methods of training: The Maximal Effort Method and The Dynamic Effort Method. Since Louie started publishing his articles on his methodologies in Power Lifting USA back in the 1990's, the methods grew wildly in popularity [] Last medically reviewed on December 3, 2020. Always Optimal. HURRY. Its a dead-end street. Perform 4-5 sets of 6-10 reps with moderate to heavy loading. V-Handle Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 12-15. Whether you're a trail runner or a sprinter, the right pair of running shorts goes a long way in keeping you comfortable and protected. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. These workouts use maximum loads and resistance to build high-threshold fast-twitch muscle fibers. Another feature included with Unlimited Access is the Westside Archives. The concept of conjugate is smashing a weak point in a lift until it's not a weak point, then moving on to the next one. This article provides a complete guide to workout. The maximal effort days will provide a main movement for the day followed by accessory movements to build up weak muscle groups. As a result, youll be able to recover more efficiently, and in turn, handle more volume in your max effort and dynamic effort training sessions. Absolutely. Conjugate Method . The MTS dynamics were divided into rodent . Goblet Squats: 40-30-20-10 as fast as possible with a heavy. Keep in mind these are only some of the hundreds upon hundreds of exercises. Your front squat max will be different from your safety squat bar max, and of course both will be different from your max squat. max effort lifts to enhance maximal strength, band accomadated lifts to reduce joint sheering and sticking points, training all bioenergetic demands of the sport. The only true problem I had was the loading. Rest 60 seconds. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All Rights Reserved 2023 syattfitness-C. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This move always comes *after* Dynamic Effort Squats. The conjugate training method is a weightlifting program thats primarily designed to build strength. Special Exercise A: Superset #3: Choose 1 movement geared at building a primary mover from #1 (i.e., triceps or upper back). Verkhoshansky. These sessions will last between 30 to 40 minutes. Additionally, the same muscle groups trained on Maximal Effort days must be trained on Dynamic Effort days. By completing each exercise in the correct order of importance. These sessions will last between 30 to 40 minutes. Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. I thought there had to be a better way. Begin with a bench press, squat, or deadlift variation as your main lift. These workouts help increase strength and improve conditioning, based on unique demands members of the armed forces and LEOs are put under. IvecompletedThe Westside-Barbell Certification and am currently Westside Barbell Certified. MMA Conjugate Method Program Category Training templates $ 20.00 $ 10.00 Add to cart This program is designed to keep an athlete fully prepared throughout the year for competition. To meet your fitness goals, follow a healthy eating plan that ensures you get enough calories. The Conjugate Method is where you focus on strength during one workout, speed the next workout. Easy choice; nobody wants to waste time. The workouts are set up by body part or muscular group not by exercise. It involves doing variations of the squat, deadlift, and bench press. One day per week is devoted to Dynamic Effort Squat training and it runs on a 3-week pendulum wave. Each session, you can raise the percentage by 5 to 10 percent to get to a new max. Additionally it takes special note of shoulder girdle health all while priming the athlete for competition. num1.conjugate () . If conditioning/recovery is your limiting factor, it may be time to take control and start prioritizing your conditioning. I'm 53, need more recovery time. This will depend on you in terms of how much novelty you require in your plan. The system was the conjugate sequence system, although it was not named yet. Work up to a 1RM, 1) Wide Stance Below Parallel Box Squat:10 x 2 @ 85% 1RM, 1) Good Morning Variation. Men such as Verkhoshansky, Bondarchuk, Matveyev, Vorobyev, and many more helped lead the way. Seriously, take it. This was determined by Coach Abadieves experiments. Can more sleep, food, and hydration solve a lot of issues? Conjugate strength training for athletic performance. Conjugate periodization allows you to develop different traits and attack multiple goals simultaneously, which may be hypertrophy, strength, power, or specific movement skills. This was repeated in the afternoon and evening. 12 Week Training Program For Wrestlers- click here to open. Effect of eight weeks maximum and dynamic effort training program for improving squat press performance. Read on to learn how to do the conjugate method, how it works, and what its main benefits are. Many arm wrestlers have adapted popular strength programs to arm wrestling training in an attempt to get better at the sport. Take :30 :60 seconds (maximum) between sets. Therefore, in order to utilize The Maximal Effort Method as often as possible without overloading the central nervous system (CNS) and/or causing adaptation to ones training,you must choose a different variation of the squat or deadlift and bench press every single week. You will have access to a max effort lower, max effort upper and a combined dynamic upper and lower day each week. Louie has published over 300 training articles, authored eight books, and produced ten highly respected training videos. Conjugate System. If I were to do conjugate, I might lay it out as such. With the Westside conjugate method we switch a core barbell exercise each week to avoid accommodation. Dove - I wouldn't recommend that. If this doesnt fall in line with your goals/area(s) of interest this may not be the optimal training system for you. Once youve moved on from a main move variation, dont repeat it for 4 to 6 weeks. Perform 30-40 minutes of loaded carries (i.e., sled pushes or pulls, stone or heavy sandbag carries, SS Yoke Bar Walks, etc.). Football strength and conditioning essentials. As a beginner, almost any amount of training will allow you to improve. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. I followed this system without knowing it had a name for years, 13 years to be exact. Work up to a 1RM, 1) Close-Grip Bench Press. Zatsiorsky, V. M.Science and Practice of Strength Training. This session will culminate with some easy static stretching to drive the parasympathetic nervous system. Fill your plate with foods containing healthy: Choose foods that build muscular strength. . Look at our Web site and compare our lifts to those of other gyms: 89 Elites, 14 who squat over 1000 and 4 over 1100; 30 who bench over 700 pounds and 4 over 800 pounds; 15 who deadlift over 800 pounds and 6 over 2500 pounds; 4 with a total over 2600 and 1 with a 2700-pound total. A lot of hours and work have gone into perfecting the Westside system. Three who deadlift over 900lbs during sets and come down to 130 during rest intervals order importance! Paper, we propose a modified Polak-Ribiere-Polyak ( PRP ) conjugate gradient method Bondarchuk Matveyev. Many more helped lead the way upon hundreds of exercises weeks and then to! Polak-Ribiere-Polyak ( PRP ) conjugate gradient method take:30:60 seconds ( maximum ) between sets dynamic Squats! Jumping Ability for all Sports technique offers many benefits in terms of strength.! ( maximum ) between sets principle is, along with how you raise! 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