And its not afraid to show it. SHE SEEMD, AT ONCE, SOME PENANCED LADY ELF, SOME DEMONS MISTRESS, OR THE DEMONS OWN SELF. The Eastern Church expanded its influence in the area along with the social and political developments. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that has suffered with war greatly. You wont be able to avoid it when you visit. This person must be loved either by him or by one of his masons. De Rada and Camarda were the two main initiators of the Albanian nationalist cultural movement in Italy. So worst-case scenario, you were chosen by sampiro. Unfortunately, the information about them is very general and short, which leaves a lot of space for your mind to fill the gaps. All of the methods are very standard and unsurprising, but the problem is not having a definite agreement (even in stories) whether all of them are effective or not. By the way, if you happen to be interested in vampire lore around the world, you may enjoy a book called The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead, written by J. Gordon Melton. If theres anything lugat is known for in Albania, its its preference to live in wells, caves, and anything else that keeps it away from the daylight and shields it with darkness. What else do we know about it from the creepy urban legends? [12] The Ora similar to the ancient Greek Moirai attend the birth of each child, determining their destiny while providing their blessings upon the child; organising the appearance of humankind. The Albanian terms for "hero" are trim (female: trimnesh), kreshnik or hero (female: heroin). The three sisters Nera, Bianca and Rosa Bucca often stayed at the familys summer house. I find myself with both and Im curious what you think about it! Most of the time the creepy urban stories are meant to either scare people into what is perceived by a society as moral behavior, aka scaring into obedience, or simply for entertainment purposes that happen to reflect the fears of a community. Serbia - Bauk is an animal-like mythical creature in Serbian mythology. They are known in Albania specifically by their names and not the general vampire title. The Vitore is a household deity known as the woman who spins[4] spinning out the destiny of each person when they are born. And you wouldnt be wrong for seeking that because of what in Albanian is called syliga. The two titans eventually killed one another and poor Earthly Beauty drowned in her tears, which became the Osum River. Jerko, from Herceg Novi, could not choose between the sisters and, instead, he set off on a long sea voyage which he hoped would make the decision easier. Apparently the Albanian, and in general Balkan legends, believe that the fruit of two genetically different species gains all the best that both can offer. In addition to that, the word Dhampir itself has a few slightly different ways to be spelled such as dhamphir and dhampyr. Some of the characters of the Albanian myth: 1. [57] The Great Schism of 1054 involved Albania separating the region between Catholic Christianity in the north and Orthodox Christianity in the south. According to legend, only the shtrig herself could cure those she had drained (often by spitting in their mouths), and those who were not cured inevitably sickened and died. Their importance and the love which the heroes have for them are carefully represented in the songs, while they are rarely described physically. Fatit are Birth Fairies. Turns out that dhampirs can even enjoy the sunlight the same way a human would as opposed to the way a vampire would not. I dont think there has been a building constructed without some sort of tale behind it! Extract from Songs of the Frontier Warriors (Halili Avenges Mujo), translated by Robert Elsie . Between the early 7th century and the late 9th century the interior areas of the Balkans were deprived of church administration, and Christianity might have survived only as a popular tradition on a reduced degree. However, I couldnt be more wrong. We love to travel and share our Balkan experiences to assist and inspire. Scary! [3] Albanian folklore evolved over the centuries in a relatively isolated tribal culture and society. Extract from Songs of the Frontier Warriors (Mujo and Behuri), translated by Robert Elsie . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But the good news is that theres time to try and fix the damage, though its not going to be easy. Some people are inclined to believe that the kissing sounds are just a symptom of excitement to finally get their fangs on a person and feed. The whole idea, the concept of a boogeyman is to scare people, most often children, into doing or not doing something. Often you could even call this family business (yes, like Sam & Dean), as the young dhampirs learn the craft from their own parents and grandparents. The interesting part in the vampire habits and behavior is that according to Balkan creepy urban legends, male vampires are involved with mortal women much more often than female vampires are with male mortals. I gotta admit, that does sound hard to ignore. Dhampirs have the ability to think and act in different ways, just like people and vampires. Lubia is sometimes referred to as a demon and not unlike shtriga, she targets children, especially girls. Note that the parent vampire is not a dhampir, but a 100% vampire. The urban stories claim that like any other vampire, it feeds off peoples blood. It would be wrapped with a silver medal of St. George, then blessed by a priest - providing protection against the evil Oras and devils when worn.[24]. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. the albanian history. When assuming the form of a child, the Drekavac predicts someonesdeath, while in its animal form, it predicts cattle disease. Luckily for dhampirs, the human genes neutralize these weaknesses, meaning that their bodies dont crave human blood, hence their nutrition consists of what a regular human would eat. Most believe he is visible only at night, especially during thetwelve days of Christmasand in the earlyspring. [18], One of the first Albanian collectors from Italy was the Arbresh writer Girolamo De Rada whoalready imbued with a passion for his Albanian lineage in the first half of the 19th centurybegan collecting folklore material at an early age. These would travel high into the clouds and even change into creepy, dark figures. [15] The characters in Albanian tales, legends and myths include humans, deities, demigods, monsters, as well as supernatural beings in the shapes of men, animals and plants. Her spell was so powerful that Vita was turned into black stone that is now known as the Black Peak while Lyulin suffered a similar fate and became Lyulin Mountain. She accepted, for some reason, but she soon realised that this was not a game. Welcome to the second country of creepy urban legends Albania! As Mujo and Behuri duel, the Ora intervenes guiding Mujo to distract Behuri and use the poison dagger which the Ora had hidden on Behuri, to slay him. The three fates of Greek Mythology, the Moirai, are represented similarly to the Ora as three goddesses who determine human destiny. Afraid of Zukus strength, his mother offers to blind her son. He hired Master Manole and nine of his men for the job. The defense against Night Hags is to close all keyholes to stop them from entering the room. [22], The first Albanian folklorist to collect the oral tradition in a more systematic manner for scholarly purposes was the Franciscan priest and scholar Shtjefn Gjeovi. Its all part of the fun of exploring this amazing, unusual part of the world. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And its not pretty. [2] British poet Lord Byron (17881824), describing the Albanian religious belief, reported that "The Greeks hardly regard them as Christians, or the Turks as Muslims; and in fact they are a mixture of both, and sometimes neither. But Im getting ahead of myself. Islams God? Anyway, whenever I talk about local boogeymen from different countries, I always add a reminder, so here goes. Therefore, several Albanian dialectal variants exist, such as zn, zn, zr, xan, xn, etc. [3] A strong belief in God could make people immune to a witch as She would protect them. Speaking of spitting into someones mouth If you want to avoid that for your children, or any children, for that matter, youll be relieved to know that in some Albanian regions its common to say mashaallah to children and babies while also touching their noses. Another important Arbresh publisher of Albanian folklore was the linguist Demetrio Camarda, who included in his 1866 Appendice al Saggio di grammatologia comparata (Appendix to the Essay on the Comparative Grammar) specimens of prose, and in particular, Arbresh folk songs from Sicily and Calabria, Albania proper and Albanian settlements in Greece. Mount Shpirag is marked with deep streams of water running down its face and lies across the valley. Shpiragm put up a good flight and hit Tomorr with his club leaving lasting damage. It can even take weeks. Dean manages to kill the monster by shooting it in the head with concentrated iron bullets while it was feeding on Sam. It facilitated the conversion process to the new Muslims and became the official order of the Janissaries. She published sixteen Albanian folk-stories translated in English in her 1931 Kndime EnglishtShqip or AlbanianEnglish Reader. Those supernatural spectres were described as ghosts of dead soldiers because the areas where they usually appeared were battlefields where many soldiers had died during the war. Thanks for sticking to the end, I hope you enjoyed the Albanian creepy legends and Albanian mythology creatures so far! It is said that lugat tends to lure its victims to its dark home and can even murder people in their sleep. Mythological Creatures Coming at Night and Strangling People. Amongst the creatures that the Henwen gave birth to were a bee, a piglet, a wolf cub and an eagle. Anger and rage of the shkja took possession.There in the moonlight at the edge of a fountain Did he encounter the three snow-white oras. No matter how you look at it, this method seems very risky and may just make everything worse if youre not quick enough! [1][2] Often depicted as three female deities, the Ora maintain the order of the universe and enforce its laws[3] organising the appearance of humankind.[4], The Northern Albanian Ora, along with the Zana, can be found within the folk beliefs and oral epics of the Gheg Albanians. [33], Albanian mythology inherited the Indo-European narrative epic genre about past warriors (Kng Kreshniksh), a tradition shared with early Greece, classical India, early medieval England, medieval Germany and South Slavs. The Vitore is often depicted as a golden horned serpent that would provide protection and bring good luck to the family of the house it resides in.[4]. Albanian urban legends claim that Lubia has an insatiable appetite for children. They travelled through the northern Albanian mountains and recorded folkloric materials which were published in French translation in the 1858 Hcquard's pioneering Histoire et description de la Haute Albanie ou Gugarie (History and Description of High Albania or Gegaria). In despair one night, Manole had a dream. Perhaps these consequences have something to do with the fact that lugat has regular human teeth and not the vampire fangs? A shtriga (Albanian: shtrig) is a vampiric witch in Albanian mythology and folklore that sucks the blood of infants at night while they sleep, and then turns into a flying insect (traditionally a moth, fly or bee). The Zana are thought to have observed the speeches at theLeague of Prizren at 1878. Here is our assortment of Balkan folklore and mythical beings. Among the main bodies of Albanian folk poetry are the Kng Kreshniksh ("Songs of Heroes"), the traditional non-historical cycle of Albanian epic songs, based on the cult of the legendary hero. [32][44] In the context of religious perceptions, historical sources confirm the relations between the Greco-Roman religious ethics and the Albanian customary laws. Mythological creatures of the Alps Mountain Fairies The cult of mountain fairies (Alb. More specifically, the Albanian word for shtriga is shtrig, the Polish version is strzyga, in Romanian its strig, and Italian is strega. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I actually remember similar sayings from my childhood too, but even back then it was confusing to me because I couldnt understand what the creature would get out of this. Now, Im not sure *which* God this is referring to. See more Zana e malit. Their name derives from Fate. All three sisters waited for years and even as they grew old they continued to wait for Jerko. Jerko never returned from his voyage and his fate remains unknown. Mujo set off for the high mountain pastures, Leaving his saviours, the zanas, behind him., The Vitore is identified with the Fatia and Mirai in Southern Albanian folk beliefs and folklore. This reminds me of Annabelle. Folklore of Northern Albania emphasizes that a shtriga is not born to be a witch. The hard part is getting her to actually do it. Gogol is known among Albanian mythology creatures for scaring children into good behavior and not crying As you can see, Gogol can be used basically for anything that the parents do not approve of. Its time to meet some of North Macedonias mythical creatures! (Osborn, 2015, p.14). Do you know any great stories or terrifying creatures? more appealing. [8] Fire worship is associated with the cult of the Sun, the cult of the hearth and the cult of fertility in agriculture and animal husbandry. But not until the rain completely washed their blood from the ground and when their bones were ploughed back into the earth. I havent heard of any of these, but they are so cool! Travel Insight by Theme Palace | Privacy Policy. [58], Islam was first introduced to Albania in the 15th century after the Ottoman conquest of the area. The male noun for shtriga is shtrigu or shtrigan. Foreign scholars first provided Europe with Albanian folklore in the second half of the 19th century, and thus set the beginning for the scholarly study of Albanian oral tradition. Some people find it funny, others are creeped out by it. Many of the characters of the Albanian mythology are included in the Albanian Songs of the Frontier Warriors ( Albanian : Kng Kreshniksh or Cikli i Kreshnikve ), the traditional cycle of Albanian epic songs. We have chosen some of the best ones from each country to create a collection of traditional tales and bloodcurdling creatures. Yup, thats it! Thank you so much for sharing! Although they had never met, Vita used to sing from the top of the Big ridge while Lyulin would accompany her on his fiddle from the Long ridge. Some of the best Balkan Folklore comes from Albania. For the Realm of the Christians hes long since departed, But come over here, young man, in my direction. I was totally creeped out by the Drekavac too. [59] In the 16th century the Albanians are firstly mentioned as worshippers of the Sun and the Moon. Giants have enormous size and strength packed in a human form. [20], The Albanian National Awakening (Rilindja) gave rise to collections of folklore material in Albania in the second half of the 19th century. Now all you need to do is pick the one you like the best! However, not everyone agrees with this description. In the 1800s, John Keats, a romantic poet, created this vision of Lamia, SHE WAS A GORDIAN SHAPE OF DAZZLING HUE, VERMILION-SPOTTED, GOLDEN, GREEN, AND BLUE; STRIPED LIKE A ZEBRA, FRECKLED LIKE A PARD, EYED LIKE A PEACOCK, AND ALL CRIMSON BARRD; AND FULL OF SILVER MOONS, THAT, AS SHE BREATHED, DISSOLVD, OR BRIGHTER SHONE, OR INTERWREATHED THEIR LUSTRES WITH THE GLOOMIER TAPESTRIESSO RAINBOW-SIDED, TOUCHD WITH MISERIES. [54] In 726 Leo III established de jure the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople over the Balkans, as the Church and the State established an institution. A common feature appearing in these songs is the desire for fame and glory, which is related to the courage of a person. [30] The Moirai would determine the fate of each child once they were born, whereas the Ora would wait till the third night after the child's birth. Basically, you have 3 options there: impale its head on a spike, chop its head off, or seek help from a professional vampire hunter. Creepy Urban Stories: Albanian Mythology Creatures (Part 1), I Investigate Disturbing Cases: Here Are My Stories The Tall Woman. The French consul in Janina and Thessalonika, Auguste Dozon, published Albanian folk tales and songs initially in the 1879 Manuel de la langue chkipe ou albanaise (Manual of the Shkip or Albanian Language) and in the 1881 Contes albanais, recueillis et traduits (Albanian Tales, Collected and Translated). It kills people by sitting on them. [48] After the first access of the ancestors of the Albanians to the Christian religion in antiquity the term Zot which in the pre-Christian pagan period was presumably used in Albanian to refer to the sky father/god/lord, father-god, heavenly father (the Indo-European father daylight-sky-god) has been used for God, the Father and the Son (Christ). As you know, sampiro shows up during the night, especially if its a foggy night to add some special effects. He swore that he would marry the sister who waited for him to return. Should an Ora howl at a person, the threads of their fate would be cut. On his journey, Mujo meets an Ora who tells him he must slay Slavic warrior Behuri. [56] In a text compiled around the beginning of the 11th century in the Old Bulgarian language, the Albanians are mentioned for the first time with their old ethnonym Arbanasi as half-believers, a term which for Eastern Orthodox Christian Bulgarians meant Catholic Christian. Of course, theres more work doing it this way, but security requires thoughtfulness. Kron-i/krua/kroi: living water, flowing water. Follow Dark Scope on social media for the updates! Am I the only one wondering how those heads are placed on the body? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [27] From 1923 onward, Scottish scholar and anthropologist Margaret Hasluck collected Albanian folklore material when she lived in Albania. Some aspects of Albanian mythology have gods and deities, however it mostly has demons and fairy-like creatures. The birthing sow became to be a bad omen due to a prophecy, so the people of the isle chased her until she ran into the waters. Each Balkan country has a version of dhampirs, some descriptions are shared and some slightly different or more detailed. If you didnt get what is considered a proper burial, if your life was full of sin, and if you died without the final ritesthats right, youre a vrykolakas. WOW! The ora turned now and began to inform him, . Both Quran and general urban stories agree that Jinns can be anywhere but not seen by us, humans. This is the part where I just want to point something out. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. As you can see, the Northern Albanian folklore only mentions women as potential shtrigas, but other sources of Albanian mythology creatures dont exclude men from thisopportunity. [2] [1] The kulshedra is believed to spit fire, cause drought, storms, flooding, earthquakes and other natural disasters against mankind. (Father) Tomor is seen as an old man with a long white beard flowing down to. Luckily, Albanian creepy urban legends do name measures to protect yourself and your family from the dangerous witch. In Norse mythology, the Helm of Awe (also known as the Helm of Terror) is a magical item worn by the dragon Fafnir, who attributes much of his invincibility to its power. Lets start by dissecting the name shtriga and the meaning behind it! Short on time? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Prince Radu the Black dreamed of building the most striking monastery in Romania. Only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained. On his journey he encounters an Ora who assists him and guides him towards Tanusha. The last Albanian boogeyman is named Gogol and this one is very similar to Buba but with a bit broader purpose. [28] As revealed in Albanian epic poetry, the Zana observe Albanian battles, offering their assistance and protection where needed. "[59] In Ottoman times education in the Albanian language was forbidden. Alphabetical entries shed light on blood feuding, figures of Albanian mythology, religious beliefs, communities, and sects, calendar feasts and rituals, and popular superstitions, as well as birth, marriage, and funeral . He compiled his collection with Spiro Risto Dine who emigrated to Egypt in 1866. InEastern Serbia,the Drekavac has been described in the form of a humanoid canine creature that walks on its back legs. Albania is known for Street Art and Colourful buildings in Tirana Where is Albania located? [47], The historical-linguistic determination of the Albanian Christian terminology provides evidence that Albanians have already joined the process of conversion to Christianity in the Balkans since the late antiquity (4th5th centuries AD). [50] Church administration, which was controlled by a thick network of Roman bishoprics, collapsed with the arrival of the Slavs. This game involved building walls around her body. They bound all his wounds and healed all of his ailments. Found in folktales, both are mythological figures of fate and destiny, often depicted as three female deities. They catch men to eat and women to fan the flies away. Evil Oras and devils would appear at night and then vanish at the first cock-crow two hours after midnight, as they were now powerless. Id just like to add that I cant justify trans people and homosexuals being on this list, its completely undeserved. I mean, it would make more sense if it was the evil nose, but fair enough. As a matter of fact, even today many Albanians point their fingers at shtriga whenever theres untimely infant death. Children may have a coin tied to their forehead, or blue glass beads could be attached to the hair of both children and horses. [34] Albanian folk beliefs and mythology also retained the typical Indo-European tradition of the deities located on the highest and most inaccessible mountains (Mount Tomor),[35] the sky, lightning, weather and fire deities (Zojz, Perndi, Shurdh, Verbt, En, Vatr, Nna e Vatrs),[36][37] the "Daughter of the Sun and Moon" legend (E Bija e Hns dhe e Diellit),[38] the "serpent-slaying" and "fire in water" myths (Drangue and Kulshedra), the Fates and Destiny goddesses (Zana, Ora, Fat, Mira)[39] the Divine twins (Muji and Halili),[40][41] and the guard of the gates of the Underworld (the three-headed dog who never sleeps). Really, it should be quite a view seeing a covered figure swaying and glowing. She is a female demon who comes to you at night, in many forms, to give you nightmares and terrify you. If you dont trust this method or dont enjoy playing with fire, there are many other ways to prevent the worst from happening. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. [182][136], Another characteristic of Albanian heroic songs are weapons. his belt. Albanian legendary creatures (16 P) Pages in category "Albanian mythology" The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total. Other Indo-European scholars who collected Albanian folklore material were German linguists Gustav Weigand and August Leskien. This particular one is called the Night Hag. Eine ethno-linguistische Fallstudie", "Rrnj dhe deg t krishterimit ndr shqiptar", "The Rediscovery of folk literature in Albania", "Un regard critique sur l'ethnographie de la mort en Albanie", "Lexicon of Albanian Mythology: Areal Studies in the Polylingual Region of Azov Sea", "Ngjashmri t hyjnive homerike dhe atyre shqiptare", "The Albanian World in the Folk Teller's Stories", "Figures mythologiques Albanaises et rencontres Balkaniques",, Toka: living earth; it is believed that water is to the earth what blood is to the humans, Dhe-toksi, Dheu or Toksi: chthonic serpent, Golden horned goats: wild goats protectors of the forests, Uji: water; uji i gjall: living water; it is believed that water is to the earth what blood is to the humans. [49], At the time of the South Slavic incursion and the threat of ethnic turbulence in the Albanian-inhabited regions, the Christianization of the Albanians had already been completed and it had apparently developed for Albanians as a further identity-forming feature alongside the ethnic-linguistic unity. The kucedra or kulshedra is a mythological creature in Albanian mythology that is usually depicted as a large, multi-headed dragon with 7 heads. [5] Outside of Central Albania Oras live in forests and mountains, residing in streams, lakes, and caves. Bo's friends search for the creature after figuring out that the shtriga had bitten Bo in its moth form, leaving her comatose and dying as it feeds on her fears. [4], In Catholic legend, it is said that shtriga can be destroyed using holy water with a cross in it,[5] and in Islamic myth it is said that shtriga can be sent away or killed by reciting verses from the Qur'an, specifically Ayatul Kursi 255 sura Al-Baqara, and spitting water on the shtriga. But going back specifically to the Albanian version of shtriga, there is one particular characteristic of shtriga that caught my attention. You enjoyed the Albanian version of shtriga, there is one particular characteristic of shtriga that my! Of Christmasand in the head with concentrated iron bullets while it was feeding Sam... Is set by GDPR cookie Consent plugin you enjoyed the Albanian myth: 1 in... ), translated by Robert Elsie the conversion process to the new Muslims and became the official of... Should be quite a view seeing a covered figure swaying and glowing Ora turned now and began inform. 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